Curiosity Killed The Cat

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Harley stared at the object in her hand, she felt the weight of it against her palm, and she turned it round and round, bringing it up to her eye level so she could look through the crystal clear glass into the neon green liquid inside of it.

I mean, Harley had never really got anything for Valentine's Day before but a hypodermic needle and some roses was an interesting start. The needle was a present given to her by Scarecrow as Valentine's Day present (also as a form of apology for nearly killing her during the outbreak) however his note gave no clue as to what it actually was, Harley just kept toying with it again and again. The good doctor had asked her to go see him, so see him she would and hopefully find out what was in this mysterious injection.

Harley carefully placed the needle in the top drawer of her desk, alongside the note he had written and locking it, just in case someone came in and with that, she began to make her way down to the Rogue Gallery. As she walked, deep down she knew that she should tell someone, anyone, Joan, the Warden but Harley also knew she would never do it, she was too curious and you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat.

He knew it was her before he saw her, he could hear her heels clacking, even though she was the only doctor that wore heels he could still tell by the scent of her perfume, which was expensively sweet and it carried with her everywhere, not that was a bad thing. Dr. Crane didn't even put down his book or look away as he saw Harley from the corners of his vision, standing in front of his cell, and waiting for him to acknowledge her. Eventually, still looking at his worn copy of '1984' by George Orwell, he spoke making her jump "You received my gift then and have undoubtedly come to ask me what it is."

Harley leaned towards the door slightly, putting her hands onto the cold concrete either side of the hole in the wall, peering through the metal bars into the bare cold room "Well that did cross my mind, I did just debate stabbing myself with it but if I died, it would be ruled as careless suicide, which I didn't think would be very fair really." She breathed heavily as she spoke.

To her surprise, and maybe his, Scarecrow gave a hearty chuckle, placing the book into his lap and finally looking at her with a smirk on his face. It always shocked Harley how handsome he actually was when you paid attention to his features, his prominent cheekbones, straight nose, the way his pale skin contrasted beautifully with his near black hair but most of all it was his eyes. They were the brightest and iciest blue colour that Harley had ever seen on anyone, it always made her look at him just that little bit longer.

"Well Harleen, I gave you the gift of blissful ignorance." Crane spoke softly, enunciating the last two words. Harley stared him, furrowing her brow in confusion.

Crane smiled at this, placing the book from his lap on top of his cot as he stood up and walked towards the gap in his door where food was shoved through, or medication, where Harley was peering in. She braced herself as he came right up to the window, they were barely 3 inches apart. Their blues eyes staring it one another, feeling the closeness between them in that moment.

"Immunity" he breathed.

"What?" Harley had been so lost into their little moment she completely forgot why she was there.

Stepping back from the window slightly, Crane cleared his throat. "My gift to you is immunity from my fear toxin, that's what the needle contains. After last time, where I nearly killed you, I didn't want there to come another time where I could unintentionally hurt you." He didn't look at her as he said the last part.

"Oh." Is all she could reply, this was not what she was expecting from the Master of Fear.

Crane came up to the window again, even closer this time so their noses were nearly touching making Harley breath in sharply, he looked her deep in the eyes.

"You only need the one shot, it's like a vaccine. Unless I drastically change my toxin then you should be safe should you ever come into contact with it. I don't want to hurt you Harleen." He leaned in even closer, Harley could feel the warmth radiating from him, if she just pushed her face closer their lips would touch....

Regaining her senses, Harley pushed away from the intimacy "Thank you...Jonathan." She quickly turns, walking away as she feels the heat in her cheeks spread down her throat.

"Harleen, wait!" he calls gently after her, knowing she will turn. Scarecrow is a very persuasive person.

Harley stops, turns to look at the mad man with his beautiful blue eyes looking out from his concrete world at her. She could feel the blush on her face, her heart still racing a 100 miles a minute.


"Come see me again, your face looks beautiful with the rosy colour my presence seems to give you" Crane turns away, smirking to himself as he does, leaving Harley to stare at the gap in the door with her jaw practically on the floor.

Jeez, guys in this place really must be lacking for female company. Harley sat at her desk staring at the needle laid on the desk, thinking over the previous month's events. Joker had made sent her roses, Riddler had kissed her and now Scarecrow was flirting with her! Maybe they were all in some bet together to see who could get into her panties first. Yuck, the thought made Harley shiver, not because she didn't find any of the three men unattractive but because she desperately willed it not to be true. Joker wouldn't do that to her, no not to her, she was special, he said so!

Hmmm, she leaned her into her palm, Harls had made sure to lock the door in case anyone walked in on her injecting herself however she was still dubious. I mean really, could she actually trust anyone from the Rogue Gallery apart from Mr J? She felt she could trust Eddy but she didn't really know him, not that well anyway. Scarecrow was a completely different story, she didn't know him at all, she had come across him only a number of times throughout her time in Arkham and one of those times he tried to kill her! But he did seem so sincere with his apology, she just didn't know what to believe, should she inject or not?

Eventually, curiosity got the better of her, so Harley shrugged off her white coat, taking off her sweater just leaving her in a black tank top. She grabbed the needle of the desk, took a deep breath and plunged the needle into her arm, injecting the neon liquid into her veins.

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