Chapter 11

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The next day I talked to my father about the journal....

"Hey dad can you come with me for a sec?"

"Sure sweet pea. What chya need?"

"I found something last night and I wanted to ask you about it." I said as he followed me to my room.

"Ok what is it you wanted to show me?" I go to my closet and bring him the journal.

"Where did you find this?" He asked sounding shocked. He looked at the journal with the little flame on it then handed it back to me. It started to glow when I held it. The flame glowed the most then my birthmark started to glow and slightly change. I got slightly scared and dropped the book. Still glowing at my feet I looked up to see my dad with a really confused face.

"I-I found it under the dirty pile of clothes in my closet. It was glowing like this last night when I found it but this didn't happen. And there's no telling how long it's been there. Do you know what it is?"

"Yeah I know what it is, but what are you doing with it already? You're not supposed to have it yet."

"What do you mean I'm not supposed to have it yet I mean it showed up last night so it must mean that I should have it right?"

"Not necessarily you shouldn't have this until you leave for your training but that's still is a way away. Anyways I'll keep this for now. Don't worry you'll get it back some day. Now if you will excuse me I have a call to make."

I let him make his call but then my curiosity got the best of me, and I used one of my powers I know how to control allowing me to hear both side.

"Sensei? Yes. Hi I have a question for you."

"Ask away."

"What is Claire doing with the quest journal already not only that it doesn't have the family snowflake on it? It has a flame on it. Care to explain. Isn't it to soon for her to have this too?"

"Indeed it is but if she has it now then that means something has happened to the family or the tribe. Remember she will not be a luna she will be an alpha. Once we teach her special abilities she will be able to sense all danger of either family or tribe. As for the flame again remember she is more special than most the family. Her main power will be different."

"She's not ready yet though."

"She's just as ready as she is capable."

"What do you mean Sensei?"

"She's taught herself somethings already so there's less to teach her than what you think. For example she might be using one of the new technology powers I just learned about to hear this whole conversation."

Caught red handed. Already? Jeez that was quick.

"What do you mean? She went up to her room probably to spend some time with Edwin." He sighs and turns around. I quickly dash off shocked by my own speed and joined Edwin in my room. But before I dashed off I caught a few more things.

"You do realize the two of them can be a deadly but friendly team."

"Which means they have to 'that' in order for him to get a bit of power from her so she can teach him a bit. And the queen is not going to like that one bit." My dad sighed.

"I know. What should we do about it?"

"You are going to tell her what she has to do in order for everything to go right for them. IF something goes wrong or she doesn't accept the news then give me a call." My dad sighed again.

"Alright I'll tell her although she has already figured out she has power but it's not the same as ours." I stopped listening because I knew what I must do now. Unsure if I was happy with the thought or not I shuddered. I didn't think I was ready to mate yet. I went to the bathroom in my room to take a shower. After my shower I looked in my mirror and saw that I was marked. A wave of emotions came over me.

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