Chapter 3 ~ The First Show and The Big Discovery!

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~ One Year Later ~
(Emma's Point of View)

"Today for our final act, we're going to be doing something that has never been done on a Las Vegas stage!" Henley grinned.

"Actually on any stage for that matter." Jack said winking at me. I just rolled my eyes.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight..." I paused.

"We're going to rob a bank!" Danny finished and the crowd went wild.

"That's a lot of excitement for a crime." I smirked.

"Okay okay. Now, who has a bank they would like us to rob?" Danny was answered by doozens of hands going up.

"Damn. That's a lot of people with a vendetta." I muttered in disbelief.

"Well, we'll have to choose at random. My associates will make sure that it's random right?" Danny asked looking at us. We all nodded. "Okay, can i have a section number please Jack?" He asked.

"Hey, help me out Elvis." Jack said to one of the audience members as they picked out a ping pong ball. Jack then threw the ball to Danny.

"Section B, where is section B?" Danny asked as a portion of the audience stood up and cheered.

"Now can i have a row number please Henley?" I asked. She tossed a random one to me. "Row number 5, where you guys at!" I pumped up the crowd some more. A row of people in section B stood up and cheered.

"And finally, Merrit, could you give us a seat number please." Merrit tossed us a ball and i caught it. Smirking, i showed it to Danny. "Oh, lucky number 13. B-5-13 where are you?" A man stood up and smiled.

"Hey there, can you confirm that you're B-5-13?" He nodded at my question. "Great! What's your name and your bank?" I asked.

"My name is Etienne Forciere and my bank is Credit Republicaine de Paris." He responded.

"Oh, French. We were thinking of a more, mom-and-pop kinda thing with no security but that's fine. A deal's a deal. Please come up here and we'll uh.. rob your bank!" Danny said nervously making me chuckle. "Oh and while we're waiting, we'd like to introduce someone." He said looking at me to continue.

"Oh, right. Without this certain person, we would just be 5 magicians with great ambitions. He is our friend, and he is our benefactor, Mr. Arthur Tressler. Please come down here Art." He came down to the stage and i looked at Jack.

He is just so perfect. Our friendship hasn't really taken any huge turns or anything. We're just friends. Best friends actually. But whenever i look at him, i just can't help but think about how attractive he is.

What's the point of thinking that stupid stuff anyway. Its not like he'd ever think of me as anything other than a friend. Ugh, being friend-zoned sucks!

Anyway i snapped back into reality when i felt something on my hand. I looked down to see my hand in Jack's...

"You were staring." He whispered smirking, causing me to blush madly. I quickly ripped my hand from his and rubbed it, still embarrassed. Henley's voice brought me back.

"Huh, where'd he go?!" She exclaimed.

"Aww i liked that little french dude." Merrit said a bit sad. Suddenly the screen turned on and we saw Etienne.

"Wait look. There he is!" Me and Jack exclaimed not noticing that our hands were intertwined again.

"Hi, Etienne? This is Daniel Atlas. Can you hear me?" Danny asked.

"Yes i can." Etienne responded looking amazed by all the money.

After Danny explained how the button on the helmet works, Etienne pressed it.

"Wait a second. Do you hear that?" I asked the audience pointing to me ear. Suddenly the money started falling from the ceiling. The audience screamed and shouted in glee.

"We are the Horsemen. Goodnight!" We all exclaimed grabbing a hold of our ropes and being lifted up to the roof.

We decided to go to the bar to celebrate. I looked at Jack and smirked. He looked at me wierdly.

"What?" He asked.

"Did you grab my hand again?" I asked with a smug smirk.

"Maybe.." He smirked looking away. I didn't complain further. Not like i would want to. 

He suddenly spoke after a while of comfortable silence.

"Y'know, i never told you this but, March 28th last year. I saw your performance and i gotta say i was impressed." He said smirking. My eyes widened.

"Y-you d-did?" I stuttered hoping he didn't really watch me doing that B class trick.

"Yup." He replied making me whine. "Oh c'mon! It wasn't that bad!" He laughed at my behavior.

"Yes it was!" I exclaimed dramatically. We just laughed the rest of the way. When we arrived at the bar, we all sat down and got drinks.

"I'll have a water please, thanks." I said as the bartender nodded and winked at me.

"Water? Didn't think you were a chicken." Jack smirked, his slight glare to the bartender going almost unnoticed.

"Oh, you don't want to see me drunk Wilder." I replied smirking as well.

"Hey Em, can i uh, talk to you for a sec?" Danny asked a tad bit nervous. Huh.

"Sure thing Danny!" I replied shrugging it off. Once we got outside, he asked me a question i thought I'd never have to talk about again.

"What happened? In your past? I just have to know. Please. You can trust me Em." He said now more gently. Yes. Gently. I believe I've seen a side of Danny that is actually gentle. He's literally like the brother I've never had.

"Its-its a long story." I replied.

"I have all night sis." He smiled. Yeah he just called me sis. He does that only when we're alone.

"Well... it all started when i woke up in a hospital. I couldn't remember anything. I heard..." Mr. and Mrs.... Atlas... I gasped and looked at Danny.

He just smiled at me. Tears started to flood my eyes as i stared at Danny for  what seemed like hours. I finally burst out crying as Danny pulled me into a hug. It all makes sense now. I've finally figured it out.

"I-i c-can't believe it!!" I exclaimed.

"Me neither sis... me neither." He responded still hugging me.

That's when my whole life got flipped around.

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