Chapter 5

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Troye POV

The plane landed, if I’m being honest, I was scared. I never have been a big fan of aeroplanes and the landing was always the worst. The alleyway in-between the two rows of seats were very crowded, as everyone wanted to just get out into some fresh air. I stood up, to try and get my bag from above my head and immediately felt sick.

“Troye are you ok?” Zoë asked, seeing me fall backwards into my chair.

“Yeah, yeah, just feel a bit sick I guess,” I said. She put her hand onto my forehead to take my temperature, “Zo, I’m fine.” I gently tried to push her hand off my forehead.

“No Troye, you’re not. You’re too hot, and you look like you’re about to be sick,” she said.

I tried to stand up again and was sick all over the seat; it went all down my front and only just avoided Zoë’s gorgeous dress.

The stewardess quickly cleared the aisle, giving me a bowl and a wet cloth for my head.

“I need to ring Tyler and Alf to say we will be a bit late,” Zoë said when the attendant had taken us off the plane and we were in the aiport's medical room.

“Heya Alf!” she smiled, clearly glad to hear his voice after so long. She flicked it onto speaker so I could hear him too.

“Hey Zoë!”

“We’ve just landed, but Troye has been sick and isn’t feeling too good,” she sighed.

“Oh no! Is he ok?”

“Well, no. No not really. So were going to be a little late, ok?”

“How late?”

“I don’t really know, just set off now I guess?”

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