Chapter 8

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*Authors note*

Sorry I didn't think anyone was actually reading my story aha. Anyway, can we just pretend that nothing christmasy was going on in the chapter? K thanks. Also, I made up the Mars bar thing. Sad chapter :( it's also very long x

Troyes POV

We had just got in a horse drawn carriage. Together.

I got in. And (awkwardly) sat opposite Tyler instead of next to him. I mean, my crush just got in a horse drawn carriage with me. That shouldn't happen. Yet.

I smiled at him and lay back into my seat a bit.

"What are you even doing?" Tyler laughed as I began to mumble to myself.

"Counting the stars," I stated, blushing slightly.

Carefully, very very carefully, he stood up and sat down next to me. He actually sat down next to me.

What is happening right now.


Not okay.

His knee brushed against my knee as he leant back against the back of the seat. I smiled, I swear he did too.

Tyler's POV

Everything was happening too fast. I couldn't even think.

Why was i even in this horse drawn death trap.

I sat next to Troye, he smiled and so did I.

We went over a bump, I gasped quickly and looked around me.

"Are you ok, Tyler?" he asked, clearly not sure weather to laugh or not.

"I'm fine. I just hate this. I wish I took a cab instead," I laughed. But I wish I didn't. I saw the look in his eyes. It changed from happiness to sadness in a second.

He opened his mouth.

Then closed it.

He bit his lip, ever so slowly.

I looked at the few teeth showing and they way they gripped onto his pink lips.

And then I realised it was raining again.

My eyes flickered from the sky, to the ground, to the horse and (sometimes) to Troye.

"Oh. Ok then," he sighed, before standing up and sitting back where I was sat. He looked to the left and I could see his hollow face, almost too hollow. I couldn't ask. I loved him. I couldn't ask. I think he hates me. Right now. Maybe he always did.

Not the time Tyler.

I rubbed my arms to keep warm and smiled to myself when I began to recognise the streets.

I paid the driver and patted the horse gently before reaching out for Troyes arm.

"Hey, there's a cafe down there, I'm going to grab some food. You coming?" I said, smiling.

"No." He said harshly.

He walked down the path a bit.

"I wasn't hungry anyway.

I never am anymore," he whispered. I guess he thought I couldn't hear him. I could.

I walked away though. I'm not sure why I did. But I walked off to that cafe. On my own.

Troyes POV

I unlocked the door and stormed into the living room. I threw off my boots and put them next to the bin.

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