Part Four: You should be looking straight ahead.

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February, 2016.

"Lord! What happened to you?"

I'm rushing into the teacher's lounge just as Beth is leaving, and we almost collide against each other. Which would have been my second crash of the day.

And it's not even noon yet.

"This guy decided to share his coffee with me." I explain with annoyance as I wiggle out of my wet and stained coat. "It was lovely." I grunt.

I swear, that whole policy of not talking over the phone while driving should also be applied to walking around whilst holding hot beverages. Especially in a crowded street where you're constantly bumping into people. Even when you actually are paying attention.

"I'm sorry." She stifles a chuckle. "Was he cute, at least?"

I look at her with a raised brow, and she shrugs sheepishly. Wasn't she on her way out?

"Actually... he was kinda cute." I respond pensively, remembering his face. "And quite eager to apologize."

"Really?" She says, and her interest seems to peak. "How eager, exactly? In a scale from one to ten? Teen being you got yourself a hot date for tonight..."

My eyes deflect from hers, and I focus on my clothes making sure that the coat was the only casualty of my rough encounter with the coffee guy.

A few seconds go by without me saying a word and she starts tapping her foot against the floor, clearly impatient for an answer. And I laugh.

"Coffee after work, friday." I finally respond, still not looking at her. "So I guess that's what? A seven-ish?"

This weird little noise escapes from her throat as she comes in to give me a quick but tight hug.

"I'd say that's a solid eight! Well done!"

I roll my eyes even though she can't see me, and as soon as she finishes with her little celebration I remind her that there is a class about to begin and we have to be there.

"So, where are we with the scenography? Is it finished?" I change the subject ever so swiftly.

"It's... going.... No need to worry about that."

"Well, if you say it so enthusiastically then."

We walk into the classroom just in time to get things ready before the girls start bursting in, ready to start the class.

I greet them with a general wave, leaving Beth to attend to them as I go to the corner of the room to prepare the music for today.

I am scrolling down the playlist I have prepared since last night, when I feel a soft but determined tug at the hem of my shirt.

"Miss Lea!" She calls me out with that little voice I came to just adore in the last couple of months. "Did you hear? I'll get to be the princess!"

I laugh at her little smug expression, nodding energetically as I kneel to be eye leveled to the small child before me.

Her dark blond hair is tightly tied into a bun at the top of her head, leaving her beautiful face clear to the sight. She wears the brightest of all smiles and the cute little button she has for a nose wrinkles slightly as she grins.

Of course I know she'll get to be the princess. In fact, I was the one who chose her for the part and, although she apparently forgot all about it, I was the one who broke the exciting news to her a few weeks ago.

She is the youngest of the group, barely reaching the five year old barrier, but she is by far the most promising kid of the bunch.

In so many ways she reminds me of me, and even though it is really hard for me not to rehash everything I went through last year, watching her and being around her to witness how she gets better and better each day simply warms my heart.

Whatever Chains (Sequel to Where Your Heart is - A Harry Styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now