Part Seven: From across the room.

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February, 2016.

"Are you in London?"

Louis's face keeps freezing on my screen and I curse at the reception as I make my way through the airport.

"I've just landed. Can I call you back later? You're cutting off."

I don't even wait for his reply since all can see is his face scrunched up in a weird expression, and I just tap on the red button.

The place is packed with people coming and going, as usual, but other than that it turns out pretty easy to go about without being noticed; except for a few girls who, for some reason, won't dare to approach me.

Probably I look as tired and grumpy as I feel.

The flight was a nightmare and I have been inside the same clothes for over fourteen hours, so all I really want is to get settled and go to bed.

I am standing outside the arrivals gate searching for the car that's supposed to pick me up, but my attention gets caught by a blond girl with a smile that sends me back to much simpler times.

And all the discomfort fades away almost instantly. So I smile back and walk over to her.

"What are you doing here?" I ask against her ear as we hug so tightly, it actually hurts. "I thought we were gonna meet later tonight."

She lets go of me, and keeping me at arms length she observes me with a funny look.

"You look like rubbish." She states, ever so candidly and she gestures me towards her car.

"It is so nice to see you too, sis." I retort with sarcasm as I follow her and jump on the passenger seat, swinging my only bag in the back. "Didn't you have that work thing today?"

"I've managed to move it to tomorrow. I wanted to catch up with you."

She shoots me a crooked smile and a wink, and then we are joining the traffic on our way to her flat.

We barely speak during the ride, mostly because I am truly exhausted but also because she's is such a reckless driver, I always fear talking to her and distract her while she's behind the wheel. But as soon as we are soundly settled in her house and she fixed me a cup of tea, the questions begin.

"I would ask you how've you been but I already read all about that on Twitter." She starts, playing all coy and casual. "Candice, uh?"

There is this almost disapproving tone in her voice, and her eyes narrow in my direction.

"Is nothing like that." I hurry to say. "She's been... helping me. She has a boyfriend, now."

She doesn't seem to believe me at all, but I decide not to even try changing her mind. She is far too familiar with my history with Candice to be easily convinced of the fact we are nothing but friends now.

Time will prove me right, eventually. Whenever she finally decides to make it official with Michael, which judging by how smitten she seems to be, it won't take much longer.

"Okay, then." She says, leaning back on the couch. "How are you?"

"I thought you didn't need to ask me that." I tease her as I hide behind the brim of my steaming cup.

Whatever Chains (Sequel to Where Your Heart is - A Harry Styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now