Chapter 14

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Ciel backed away very slowly. Daniel bowed and smiled while his eyes turned purple. "As you wish my Lady." He took out his toothpick and stretched it into a spear. He raced towards Sebastian and pointed his spear to his neck. Sebastian was able to jump out of the way and dodge him. Amelia looked right into her preys eyes like a cobra does to an injured rat.

"Come on little puppy dog, your being punished for being such a bad dog!" She screamed and lunged for him. He rolled to the ground and ripped off his eye patch. She threw the knife nearly missing by a fraction of an inch away from his eye. "Dumb dog! Dogs take orders not give them. Test me again and I'll, make your death painless and what's the fun in that?" She run towards him again  grabbing the knife on her way. Ciel wasn't the running type and began tripping in every step. He run up the stairs and waited at the top. Amelia froze on the first step. She smirked and lipped her lips. She threw the knife in the air. The knife came back down but it brought the ceiling chandler with it. The chandler landed on Ciel. Amelia laughed loudly and skipped up the rest of the stairs.

"Young Master!" Sebastian shouted trying to dodge pencils and a large spear all at once. He failed once causing his arm sleeve to rip greatly. Jess smiled wide and Daniel held a straight face. Amelia reached the top of the stairs and bent down to look under the mess. Broken glass cracked under her feet and the room was now darkened. Ceil had just missed the very sharp edge of the chandler but it shaved his left side. Amelia's grin dropped. She sighed.

"I'm all for making this fun but maybe we can speed this up a bit." She bit the knife and held the blade with her teeth. A wicked smirk crossed her face. She chucked slightly. "I'm going to kill you." Her eyes sparkled and Ceil's face turned pale. With some effort she was able to move the chandler pieces off of the floor and away from Ceil's body. His arm had fractions of glass in it and his side had a large scratch centimeters deep. He held his side making the blood rush faster out of him. Amelia straddled his waist and held Ceil's hands still under her thighs. Amelia's grin spread across her face. She took her knife and held it with both hands above her head. "Goodbye Ceil!" The knife swooped down.

"Stop Amelia!" A voice shouted. The same voice slammed the manors doors open and stood at the bottom of the stair case. The knife that was about to kill stopped as soon as it touched the skin on Ceil's neck. The top of the blade created a small red dot dripping with blood. Amelia clenched her teeth in a smile. She stood over Ceil and tilted her head with again her pink hair covering most of her face. She slowly turned on her heels and faced towards the intruder.

"Well well well, it's my lucky day!" Her eyes burned a window into his face. "I was just on my way to kill you little spider. Looks like I'll have to squish you under my foot instead!" Alois breathed heavily and looked over at Ceil.

"Your right. I helped with the murder and I should pay with my life." Amelia took a step toward. "But," she stopped. "You can't kill Ceil. He's more important then I am to London." Amelia stopped in her place. She shook in her boots. Not of fear, not of sorrow but of anger. Pure anger filled her whole body and streamed out of her ears. She clenched the knife in her palm and her other fist tightly.

"More important to London?" She repeated. "You would give your life for this bastard?!" She loud got louder and louder. Daniel stopped in the air and fell to the floor on his feet.

"My Lady, please contain yourself." He beg. His voice shook and Jess landed next to him. Sebastian fell to the floor as well but not on his feet. He landed on his stomach covered in bruises, scratches, scrapes and cuts. His suit was marked with his own blood.

"Silence!" She shouted. "Both of you are going to die for your crime!" She charged at Alois with full speed. He just stood their while she was charging. Before the knife touched his chest Claud grabbed her wrist and flipped her on her back.

"Claud!" He said shocked. "This is an order," he stuck out his tongue revealing the mark of his contact.

"Bugs don't talk!" Amelia shouted bouncing out and throwing the knife in a straight line. As it all went into slow motion, the knife made its way to its victim. Claud tried to stop it but it went right through the demon's thumb and stabbed Alois right in the chest. When the time when back to normal Alois coughed up blood and fell back. Claud kneeled by his side and covered the wound by taking the knife out and cupping it with his hands.

"Your highness!" He shouted. "Please stay awake!" Alois blinked a few times but with open eyes, his body went limb. "Alois? Alois!" The young blonde boy was stone dead. Blood dripped from the corner of mouth and his pale blue eyes stared at nothing. Amelia stood straight up and grinned.

"Ha," a slight chuck escaped her lips. "Well well well, one down one to go." She held up two fingers and put one finger down. With the remaining finger she pointed to Ceil. "Bye bye puppy dog!"

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