11 Tessa

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The buzz of the cafeteria was setting me on edge. I was perched on the far right of the table in the corner by the vending machine, leaning my head against the wall. Our usually animated table was quiet with a few different conversations breaking out among the conglomerate, but fading away within a few minutes. The collective excitement radiating from the overcrowded cafeteria skirted our table, wary of coming near the anger and betrayal shown by our somber faces. From my vantage point, it was obvious the reason. A smile lit her face, her eyes twinkling as a laugh escaped her curvy form. He held her hand, his fingers gently drawing circles on her palm. The way he looked at her was as if she was his whole world. Every time she laughed his shoulders would lift, as he wracked his brain for something to say, anything to make her laugh again. She didn't feel the same intensity he did for her, that much was obvious. The exact same thing happened with Chloe. The blond haired beauty sat across from me, mimicking my position, the icy air had given her cheeks a rosy glow, bringing out the blue in her eyes. I fiddled with a chip bag I had slapped on the smooth wooden top of the poorly made table in the beginning of the lunch period, but had yet to open due to the disgusting display of affection happening in front of me. I caught Chloe's attention, mouthing in her direction, "How are you feeling". She gave a dejected shrug in my direction, turning her head away, ending whatever semblance of conversation I had tried to start. Not even the contagious laugh belonging to Grace could bring up the mood, but she couldn't anyway because her blond highlights bounced next to Sophia, basking in the attention of her new crush that week.

Aaron had been sneaking glances in her direction from my left, willing her to turn around and follow him to a deserted part of campus a.k.a behind the science quad. His concentration had been futile for she refused to turn in his direction, flirting with her new boy toy. He was now pouting, voraciously eating a sandwich, and pretending not to hear questions thrown in his direction. Rowan was fuming, to the point where I expected to see steam rising from her jacket. Logan had tried multiple times to talk with her, always ending in failure when she shrugged off his arm around her shoulders and lifted a hand to cover his mouth, her fiery eyes daring him to continue. The worst of us all was Rose, a flawless girl with almost unnaturally pale skin and dimples. Her auburn hair fell in loose waves down her back, with her side swept bangs hiding her dark blue eyes. She wore an unzipped leather jacket, over a grey hoodie, a pale pink sweater peeking out from under the layers. She had gone to jail over the summer for aggravated assault and had some anger issues, but she was pretty quiet for the most part, mostly working on designs for clients from a tatoo parlor she worked at on main street, but today she was a bit prickly. Her fierce glower was directed at any person brave enough to go near the vending machine. The real problem started when Grace got up, throwing a wink at the boy nearly panting at her feet.

She walked away swaying her hips suggestively, which had the boy drooling, his mouth hanging open. She sauntered right up to Aaron, whispering inaudibly into his ear, causing his chewing to slow to a stop, he swallowed hard, his eyes widening with every word. He slid his chair out, a boner clearly visible from the tent it had created in his shorts. She settled her body on his, adjusting her position, which looked more like a lap dance than anything else, "Why such long faces?" Aaron had abandoned his sandwich, his hands reaching around her hips, fascination replacing frustration. Rowan turned toward her disbelief clear on her face. She had already ranted earlier, explaining the unfairness of the situation and how far out of line Sophia had gone earlier. She had a few special words for Grace, mostly about loose morals and a few other loose things, "You were there this morning". She looked around, scanning the faces gathered around the table, "I don't understand how Sophia being with Peter affects anything, and guaranteed what she said was out of line, but Chloe, you almost provoked it by overreacting to the situation". She shrugs her shoulders, as if to apologize for the truth, Chloe didn't react only closing her eyes, peace encompassing her features. Time to step in. I dragged my head away from the wall, ready to break up the fight that was going to break out between Rowan and Grace, but before I could Rowan started talking. Here we go. "So you think it's okay to sleep with your best friend's ex? He talks shit about her all the time, and you think that it's perfectly acceptable to go after him?" She looked in her direction, not understanding, "They haven't been together for a while, and Chloe and Sophia are different people, so he treats them differently". Rowan just got up, throwing her hands in the air, shaking her head as Logan tugged on her pants in an attempt to get her to sit down, "I'm done. You don't get it and you never will". She collected her new textbooks, slinging her backpack over her shoulder and stalked off. Grace brushes off her leaving, asking lowly, "What's her problem today?" I shook my head, watching her dig herself a deeper hole, "I think it would be best if you leave". He snarky attitude reared it's head, poking through her carefully laid facade, "I th-". Her words were cut off with an "Oof". Someone just poked the bear.

Her sights immediately fell upon Rose, who was looking down at a sketch of a wolf, pencil in hand, her trademark smirk on, "Bitch!" Rose looked up mockingly, eyes widening in false surprise, in her most innocent voice replying, "Are you talking to me?" Grace stood up to the dismay of Aaron, who had his hands on her hips momentarily before they were replaced by her own. His puppy dog eyes fell to her butt, his hands splayed as he moved them closer, mesmerized. Her stormy grey eyes were full of fury, "You're going to regret doing that", she took steps around the table to a still seated Rose, Aaron's hands falling along with his face into his lap and disappointment, respectively. The verbal war brought out the playful side of Rose, her eyes twinkling with childlike excitement and her smirk turning into a full fledged smile, a rare occurrence for her. Grace was behind Rose in a threatening stance, "Get up!" she demanded, but Rose continued sitting, twirling a pencil in her left hand. The bell rang, students already rushing to get out the door and avoid the traffic jam that always occurs, "This isn't over". Rose smiled cheekily at her, "You betcha sweetcheeks". Grace's response was a glare and pursed lips as she backed away from the fight. I slapped Aaron upside the head, his face contorting into one of pain, "What was that for?!" I grabbed my books, pulling history to the top for my next class, "You just stared at her ass. What good was that supposed to do?" He hesitated, furrowing his brow and rubbing the back of his head, struggling to come up with an answer from his lust clouded brain. I rolled my eyes shoving the unopened bag of chips back into my book bag. I gave a small smile to Chloe, "Will you be okay walking by yourself?" She had her next class with Sophia, which was journalism, the least taken class on campus resulting in a class size of no more than 10 people. She nodded solemnly, her eyes cast downward as she left the building through the generally unused back door by the vending machine. Logan had left already, following the crowd to arrive early at his next class, to leave a good impression. His theory was be an exemplary student for the first week of every semester, then slack off after becoming the teacher's favorite and you were set.

I was one of the last to leave the dreary place, the custodians already cleaning up the ridiculously unnecessary mess left by teenagers and their blatant disrespect of the no littering policy. Rose had been left behind by the stampeding masses, quietly drawing, biting her lip every so often, a sign that she was criticizing her work. She didn't have any classes after lunch, as she had a part time job and had could fulfill the graduation requirements without an extra 3 classes. She would pack up as soon as she was done, or forced to leave by the non trusting janitors who thought she was trouble due to her run in with the law, which may be partially true, but she only ever got into fights protecting other people. She was a fearsome social justice warrior, taking down the bullies and the ignorant one by one. I knew better than to interrupt her, when any writing utensil was in her left hand, which if today was anything like last week, when she experimented with drawing without lifting her pen from the paper, would be a while, so I left without saying goodbye, disappearing out the door with silent footsteps.

I looked around, noticing the ice covered plaza was almost deserted. Am I late? After checking the time I saw that I still had 3 minutes to be arrive before the late bell rang, which was plenty as my class was the first silver steel door on the building to my left. Overachievers making me look bad by showing up early. I traipsed inside, stopping in the doorway, observing my classmates all around the room socializing from atop desks and in the seats, facing every direction imaginable. Last class of the day. You'll be fine. The board had Mr.Sharpe written neatly, and beneath it was a formerly blank seating chart with names written all over it, with only one empty slot in the back center. I picked up the pen on the pen tray attached to the whiteboard, but hesitated before letting it touch the paper. I had a bad feeling about writing my name and opted against it, returning it to its previous position, and squeezed between the desks to slump into my self appointed seat. I had barely gotten situated when door opened, revealing a handsome man, in a well-fitted suit wearing glasses with large frames. Sexy Teacher. How old is he? He walked to the board, stopping in the center in front of where he had written his name, "Hello, I'm Mr.Sharpe". He paused his eyes settling on mine, "and welcome to European History". I know that voice. This can't be happening. He finished his introduction with a smile, "I think we're going to have an exciting year". He's the man from the club.

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