Chapter 7

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*Kankaro's POV*

Tell me it's not true, Gaara.. kankaro said as he approached his brother.

"I wish I could.." gaara replied staring blankly at the table.

How could you put her life in danger like that!! Kankaro said grabbing and picking up his brother from the collar of his shirt slamming him against the wall.

He didn't fight back, didn't struggle, nothing.. He just hung there..

"Do it! Punch me! Hit me! Something!! I fucking deserve it!!" Gaara yelled as he looked at his brother with pleading eyes.

*heavily breathing*

I released my grip on him as he collapsed on the floor.

You need to learn to trust her judgment. No offense but she's a lot stronger than her mother. Mentally and physically.
You really don't understand how powerful that little girl is.. I helped train her when she was younger, I know what she's capable of.  And weather you like it or not she's in love with Shiru. Everyone knows besides him, just like he's in love with Yumi. I have a feeling he's gonna be around for a long time, Gaara. Learn to trust your daughter.

And with that being said Kankaro walked out of the kitchen slamming the front door behind him.

As he walked over to his car he got in slamming the door. His hands gripped the steering wheel, his vision getting blurrier by the second till he couldn't hold it in anymore.. He finally broke down.

'What would I do If I lost that little girl..' he thought to himself. He turned his car on and left to the shop.

Gaaras POV*

'I almost killed my daughter..' 'I almost killed my daughter' I almost killed my daughter!' the same thoughts replayed in his head over and over again.
'Im suppose to protect her.. But instead I almost got her killed..'
Fuck!! He yelled hitting his fist against the wall making a big hole.
He broke down collapsing on the floor.

*Back at Shiru's*

*Hinatas POV*

We ate breakfast and talked for a while, I told her what her father did, I figured she has the right to know. However she took it like any other person would.. We sat in silence for a while till I finally spoke up..

"Yumi, I think we should go home now."
'It's a long shot but worth the try..' Hinata thought to herself.

Everyone stood quiet not even looking at one another.

"Mom.. I can't."
Yumi replied, looking down at her fingers as she was fidgeting with them like her mom use to do when she was nervous.

"She's more than welcome to stay here for as long as she needs or wants." Shiru butted in.

'There's no way I can talk her into going back with me.. She's to much like her father.. Stubborn.' Hinata thought to herself.

"It was worth a try.." hinata replied.
She let out a long sigh as she stood up from the table.

"I can't force you to do anything you wouldn't want to do.." Hinata said looking down wanting to cry.

"But just know whenever you're ready to come home, the door is always open." Hinata said smiling at Yumi holding back the tears.

"I have some cloths and cosmetics of yours in the car.. Majority of me knew you weren't gonna be coming back with me so I got your things together.." she said walking towards the door.

We walked outside to the car as I wrapped my arm around my baby..
'You may not be that little girl with long pigtails running around the house anymore but you will always be my baby no matter how old you get..' Hinata thought to herself as she watched her daughter grab her suitcases.

"Thank you mom.. For everything." yumi said hugging her.

"Ill always be here for you." hinata replied.

Yumi took her suitcases to Shiru's room and he stood outside with me, this poor kid looked like he has so much to say to me.. So instead I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around Sasuke's twin. Everything about him is exactly like his father but yet both are two completely different people.

"Thank you.." I said looking into his big black eyes. "I couldn't have asked for a better young man to be with my daughter." hinata said smiling at him as she walked to her car.

They all said goodbye leaving Shiru and Yumi alone again at the house.

"You really meant what you said." yumi asked as they sat down on the chairs outside.

"Every word." shiru said grabbing her hand.

And suddenly the world didn't seem so cold to her anymore.

"Thank you for everything.." Yumi said looking into his eyes.

He could feel his face turn a little warm from the way she looked at him.. It was almost as if the world paused and all that was in front of him was her.. Nothing else, no cars, birds, nothing.. Just her.
He smiled and looked away.
"Anytime, Red." he said snapping back to reality.

She giggled. "Damn last time you called me red was in 6th grade."

"Yea I kinda fell in love with your name more I guess." his face quickly turned a deep shade of pink as he turned his head looking the opposite way. 'Shit.. I seriously just said that out loud. What a loser!' he thought to himself..

Her face turned a deep red like her mothers as she smiled and looked away as well..

The awkward silence was broken by Shiru's cell phone ringing.
'Oh man what a life saver.' he thought to himself.

Hey! He answered.

Yumi looked over and being the nosy girl she is she put her ear to his phone
"Yumi! Move! I can't hear Shikadai!"

Yumi grabbed Shiru's phone from him"Shika!! Hii! Its Yumi!

(Why do you always take my phone! Give it back! You're so annoying Yumi! No im not Shiru! You're the annoying one!)

"You don't say." Shikadai replied on the other side as he heard them arguing in the background.

"In all honesty you both are pretty annoying" Shikadai said as he chuckled on the other side.

"I'm not the annoying one!!" both yelled at the same time.

"Point proven." Shikadai replied.

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