Chapter 1

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Hey y'all!
New story! glow_fish inspired this one; keep up the good work fam!
Not sure if I'm gonna publish this one yet. If I do, I hope y'all like it! I'm probably gonna complete it before I decide on publishing it (probably not) anyway so...
I might even "accidentally" *cough* click the publish button. I tend to do that a lot, bc im mentally retarded at times, and when I do I usually just leave it up for the hell of it.
Once again though, the title is really just there bc i needed a title.

"Adam?" you asked, looking around your small, neat apartment for the 27 year old aussie. He was visiting from Melbourne, Australia, and you had allowed him to stay here. You didn't know why he would choose to stay with you in King's Row instead of staying in his hometown. You didn't live here, either. You were only renting an apartment for a couple of weeks. You lived in Pennsylvania in the United States, which played another large factor on why you had actually let Adam stay here. You never saw him.

"C'mon man, this isn't funny anymore."

It was Halloween, and you knew that that he loved to scare you and anyone else he could. Once you went with him to Six Flags Great Adventure during Fright Fest, and he hid behind signs and bushes and jumped out at random omnics and people. One of his scares earned him a punch in the face from a man walking with his girlfriend. You had had to apologize to them for Adam because he was laughing too hard. His nose had been bloodied, but his sense of humor was too great. After a while, he had been asked to work there by one of the "zombies". He declined, because he didn't live in New Jersey or anywhere near it, but you bet that if he did he would have accepted.

"Adam, you're being ridiculous!" you called, sitting down on the couch, finally getting tired of giving him what he wanted. You glanced around the for the remote. You groaned as you couldn't find it.

"Adam, I swear," you growled. You stood up. "Where are you so I can come over there and take back my remote, one way or another?"

You walked down the main hallway. This was the hallway that broke off into all of the bedrooms and bathroom. As you walked past a closet, forgetting it was there because it was a closet that you hadn't learned the position of, you heard the door squeak open quickly. You turned around as Adam came out of the closet, completely dressed in his costume. You had to admit it was pretty good; but you knew if he wore it outside he'd probably be shot or punched again.

"Adam, you look really good, but you'll get shot," you said, eyeing his ragged, killer clown costume.

"Do you think I care?" he asked in his strong australian accent. "It'd be absolutely worth it," he said, crossing his arms. "And most times clowns are shot nonlethally. So I'd be okay."

"Yeah, but your hospital bill will be high," you replied. "Gunshot wounds are hard to fix and painful. They'd have to pick out the bullet, Adam. And there's still a chance it'll be lethal. Think about it; if you get shot, what'll Mark do?"

He looked away and shrugged, staying quiet. You grinned. He was extremely gay, even though he was actually just bisexual. He didn't act gay at all, but you knew this aussie. You looked him up and down again. He had painted his face and smudged the paint, then probably getting some dirt or something and dusting his face with it. He had a lightly striped and bloodied, dirtied shirt with bloody, dirtied ripped overalls on. He had black sneakers on. If you were walking in the street and had seen him standing on the side of the road not knowing it was him, you would bolt, just like you did with every other clown. You decided to change the subject, because if you didn't he'd stay quiet until you did. "And I'll say this again: that is a good costume. Did you roll in the dirt or something? Because holy shit."

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