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-Jungkook Pov-

"Do you like me yet?" A spark of hope ends up being crushed when he said

"No" not only my hopes were crushed but also... My heart. I know I used to be a fuck boy but i stopped when I met him... I guess it wasn't enough. A tear threatens to roll down my cheek but I simply try to hold it in and slightly smile at him.

"I-it's okay maybe n-next time..." Aish why did I stutter?!

"I'm sorry Jungkook"

"It's fine besides I still haven't given up yet so you haven't won just yet" I fiddle with my fingers as I looks at the ground contemplating what I did wrong... "We better get going the bell went ages ago" he nods and we both go...

fast forward

It was recess and the group wasn't here since they had something 'important' to do, as I sit down on the bench eating my apple I hear a ping noise coming from my pocket. I take out my phone and see it's a message from... From my mother, I didn't get time to read the message because then my phone started ringing and I hesitantly answered it.


"Oh, Jungkook-ah, it me your mother"

"Mum?" Let's just say my mother and I weren't that close because she was never home and also because she moved to the states meaning I was left alone to take care of myself... I understand she did it for my future and shit but every time I would sometimes call her she would say 'I'm busy' or 'not now' without even saying hello or-

"Jungkook are you listening to me?" My mothers voice pulled my out of my thoughts and back to reality

"Sorry what did you say?"

"I want you to move to America" What?

-Jimin Pov-
Jungkook is going to be the death of me. You might be wondering why I said no right? it's because well I'm not definite with my feelings yet and what if his just doing these things so he can win the bet and what if he doesn't even like me and it's just all one big misunderstanding?!

I know I'm over thinking it, it's just so hard for me. It was already after school and had a lot of things to carry back home since it's a Monday. As I open my locker a note was left on my locker door I take it and read it

Come to the blossom tree near the school field


I stared at the note confused, what does he want to talk about now? I grab my bags and head to oval. As I look around I finally spot him, as soon as I saw him my breathe was taken away. He looked so beautiful... As he leaned against the tree his brown hair would sweep across his forehead hiding the two brown orbs that I would get lost in every time I stare at them- uuugh what am I thinking?! I walk towards him slowly...

"Jungkook?" He looked at my direction and sat down on the ground, then he pat the spot next to him telling me to 'sit'. His changed a lot, from a fuck-boy to a... Gentle boy. I sat down next to him and look over the field of green as the sun was shining making the grass shine. It was beautiful but not as beautiful as the one next to me.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I nod in response and my full attention is now on him.

"So why did you ask me to come here?"

"Well it's about the bet... If you still reject me after two weeks I will be gone forever"

"What do you mean by forever?"

"I won't talk to you, bother you, annoy blah blah blah anymore"

"Why in the next two weeks?"

"Don't worry about that... So is this ok with you?" I scratch the back of my neck, still confused and wondering why two weeks?

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