Chapter 2: Good morning Hokage-sama!

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Hi Guys!

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please let me know about how I did and if anything doesn't make sense, please ask.

I will also be referring to Kristy as Kitami from now on. You'll understand when you read it. (*^ - ^*)

Pic Above is Kitami in the Naruto World!

I only own Kitami and any other new characters I introduce along the way. The Naruto world and characters all belong to their rightful owner, Masashi Kishmoto.

Hope you enjoy and please vote, comment and follow! \(^o^*)/

On with the Story!!!!! \ (><)/


Kristy/Kitami's POV

I look around and try to get my bearings. After looking around for a bit and raking my mind of anything that looked familiar, I spot the bright green gates of Konohagakure. My heart leaps out of excitement and I stroll up to the front gates meeting my favourite Chunin duo, Izumo and Kotetsu. As soon as I get close to the gates, they walk up to me.

"What is your business here in Konoha?" Izumo asks.

"I request permission to speak with the Hokage," I reply confidently.

"The Hokage is a busy man and I doubt you can speak with him directly. May I ask what business a young girl such as yourself has with the Hokage?" Kotetsu asks.

It was a fair question. You wouldn't want assassins transformed into a little girl assassin the Hokage but, I honestly don't know what to tell him. (Seriously. Stuff like that could happen.) Instead, I give him my 'Uchiha' smirk and shoot back, "I believe my business is with the Hokage and the Hokage alone. Please take me to him."

Izumo nods. "Fair enough. If you would follow me please," he says, gesturing for me to follow.

As we walk down the streets towards the Hokage building, I recognise some very important places that I must visit. The small Ichiraku Ramen restaurant, the dango stall and the academy. I start to wonder what point in time I have arrived at and look up at the Hokage monument. I see Lord Fourth, Minato Namikaze's face on the far right. That means Lady Tsunade hasn't arrived yet and I'll most likely be speaking with Lord Third, Hiruzen Sarutobi or possibly Lord Fourth, Naruto's Dad, Minato Namikaze. We finally reach the Hokage building and start walking up the stairs towards the Hokage's office. We stop outside the door and Izumo knocks on the door. I hear a faint deep voice say, "Come in." He motions for me to wait outside while he steps inside. My suspicions were true. I will be speaking to the Third Hokage.

After a minute or so passes by, the door opens again. I step inside and Izumo leaves, shutting the door behind him.

"Good morning Hokage-sama!" I say while bowing respectfully.

"Good morning. What can I do for you?" He says in his calm tone.

I go straight to the point, not knowing what else to say. "I request for permission to complete shinobi training in Konoha and I would also like to become a permanent resident here." I look at him to find a bit of surprise written on his face.

"What is your name and how old are you, child?"

I can't say my name is Kristy. That'll be weird since it is an American name. I end up telling him the name that came with me when I was a baby instead. The name my adoptive parents told me of on my 11th birthday.

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