Chapter 18: Chunin Exams - Part six - Celebrating 100 Followers!

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Ohayo Minna!

Whooo!!! I am letting out this super long chappy to celebrate 100 followers, 540 votes and almost 10k Reads!! Arigato for everything Minna! You guys are totally awesome and this is your treat for sticking with me for soooo long!  ^w^

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please let me know about how I did and if anything doesn't make sense, please ask.

I only own Kitami and any other new characters I introduce along the way. The Naruto world and characters all belong to their rightful owner, Masashi Kishmoto. And for the art above, creds to the artist! ^-^

Hope you enjoy and please vote, comment and follow! \(^o^*)/

On with the Story!!!!! \ (><)/

Enjoy! ^w^


Naruto's POV

I watch in fear as two of my teammates fall to the ground in pain after Orochimaru bit them on their necks. Sakura and I are standing up on the tree branch closest to Kitami and Sasuke, but far enough to not get detected by our enemy. Sakura wanted to go out to them to help but I held her back.

"Sakura-chan. We can't go down there. If that guy managed to get to them that easily, we don't even have a chance. It's better if only two people in our team are out instead of our whole team."


As soon as the enemy disappears into the ground, Sakura and I immediately jump down to the ground. Both of our team mates have passed out but are shaking and clutching their necks.

"Sakura-chan. We need to find a place to stay while they get better," I tell her. I pick up Sasuke on my back, Piggy back style, and Sakura does the same to Kitami.

"W-We could go back to the tree we stayed at last night... We know it's safe and full of resources."

I nod my head. "Alright. Let's go."

We make our way back slowly. Dammit Teme! Why do ya have to be so heavy?! Eheheh, I better not say that out loud or else Sakura-chan will kill me...

I see the familiar tree coming up and smile. Finally!! Sakura and I walk in and gently slide Sasuke and Kitami off our backs before slumping down, exhausted. I dig into my backpack and take out my water bottle and take a huge gulp. Sakura follows. I look to Kitami. Something's wrong... She's shivering... I go up to her and touch her forehead before pulling my hand back immediately. It's boiling hot! I go to Sasuke and do the same. They've both got a really high fever. I take a towel out of my bag. I've only got the one so I cut it into four pieces with my Kunai before drenching two of them with my water and placing one on each of their foreheads after I take off their forehead protectors.

Sakura looks up at me. Looks like the walk back took quite a bit out of her. Even if Kitami is Sasuke's little sister, she is still just a little bit taller than Sakura.

"Ne, Sakura-chan. I need you to look after these two. Make sure the towel is always wet to help bring down their fever. I'm going to go out to get some food and water."

She nods her head slightly and walks over to Sasuke and Kitami, water bottle in hand before sitting down beside them. I nod my head to her before heading out. I make some shadow clones again and get some to retrieve some firewood and food while I head down to the stream I found yesterday.

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