Chapter 4: Survival Exercise

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Hi Guys!

I have just realised that we have passed the 200 reads mark for this story!! Yay! Arigatō  Min'na-chan for all of your support so far!  ^w^

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please let me know about how I did and if anything doesn't make sense, please ask.

I only own Kitami and any other new characters I introduce along the way. The Naruto world and characters all belong to their rightful owner, Masashi Kishmoto.

Hope you enjoy and please vote, comment and follow! \(^o^*)/

On with da Story!!!!! \ (><)/


Kitami's POV

I wake up to the constant beeping of my alarm clock at 8:30. I groggily get up, take a quick shower and put on my ninja gear. I head over to the kitchen and take out an instant ramen in a cup. When it's ready, I slurp it all down and chuck it in the bin. I collect all of my ninja tools, put it in my weapons pouch and some scrolls for light reading that I picked up from the shops on some more Ninjutsu in another pouch. I also grab 4 last minute apples from the fruit bowl and I slip on my ninja gloves and ninja sandals and head out towards the training grounds.

Sakura's POV

I arrive at the training grounds at 5:00 sharp, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Why did it have to be so early in the morning? I look up to find the idiot Naruto sleepwalking and Sasuke up and ready for the survival exercise.

We wait until the sun starts to rise at 5:30 then Naruto gives up and falls back asleep on the grass. Where is Kitami and Kakashi Sensei?

After an hour has passed, I too sit down, bored to death. Sasuke is still standing. He's so cool! A few hours later, I see a small figure lazily make its way closer to us. When it gets into view, I recognise it as Kitami.

"You're late!" I yell at her. "It's already 8:45!"

She shrugs. "Technically Kakashi Sensei isn't here yet so I'm not late, Pinkie." My eyes twitch. I hate that nickname. She greets Sasuke who returns a 'Hn' back and gently shakes Naruto awake. "Naruto. Wake up. You have to be awake if you wanna pass as a Genin." He slowly opens his eyes and yawns. She takes a seat next to him and hands him an apple. He takes it gratefully. What is he doing?! I quickly but in before he takes a bite.

"Naruto Stop!" I yell. He looks at me with a dumb face and so does Kitami.

"What do you want now Pinkie? Do you also want an apple?" She asks in a bored tone.

"Kakashi Sensei told us not to eat. Why are you giving Naruto an apple?"

She sighs overdramatically. "We are doing a Survival Exercise dumb ass. What Survival Exercise could be so bad as to make us vomit? There is obviously something behind this. If we have to use Ninjutsu or something, we can't do it on an empty stomach. Now eat up Naruto. Before Kakashi Sensei gets here. You guys want one too?" she asks holding up two apples. Sasuke reluctantly takes one and eats it. What is he doing? Why isn't he doing what Kakashi Sensei asked? Hehe. I'm gonna prove them wrong and follow Kakashi's Sensei's orders. That'll teach them to listen to me. Maybe Sasuke may even want to listen to me next time.

"No thanks. I'm going to listen to Kakashi Sensei's orders and Do as he says," I say confidently.

"As you wish," she says before taking a bite out of the apple she offered to me. I watch as the sweet apple juice rolls off the apple. I'm going to regret this, aren't I?

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