Priceless Notebook

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"Chanyeol!Can you please come to the kitchen for s while?"

I sighed as I put down my half opened present.

"What is it mum?"I asked,leaning my back agains the countertop.

"Here a present from the house in front of us"

"You mean the nerdy girl?I don't want to it.Nayoun present is far more attractive"I said.

"Nayoun?Your with that bitch?No wonder my money is decreasing.Forget abouy it.Just take this"

"I don't want it"I said,shoving her hand away.

"Just take it you darn"She said and left me.

"Okay what was this?Priceless notebook?Nayoun can gave me to"

I said and opened it.

Unspoken Confession// p.c.yWhere stories live. Discover now