Chapter 2 : Miracle in October

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Without letting me process what I just learned about my new body, Kai took his mirror back to force a towel, some clothes and a shampoo in my hands. "You have to go wash yourself now if you don't want to make us all late for the shooting."

"Ok. I will try to be fast." I couldn't help myself to avoid his gaze. What will happen if he discovers I am not D.O.? I, an EXO-L, saw him in underwear and he thinks I am his workmate. I enjoyed violating his privacy but at the same time it's just awful.

I grab the doorknob, leaving the room.

I didn't ask for this. I wouldn't ever break in here. That's not my style (but chicken is). Does that give me the right to enjoy it, being here when no one knows? Having the boys of my life so close to me?

With these highly intellectual questions, I don't want to make them late so I rush over to the washroom.

It's not difficult to find it since half the doors are open and I can hear water pouring not far away.

The dormitory looks like a battlefield. Stuff is everywhere, even a boxer hanging on a door. I don't want to know if it's dirty or clean.

"Hi Soo'. Late today ? It's unusual. Hurry up !" Says Baekhyun who is apparently running to take his breakfast to what I suppose is the main living room since I can hear some of the boys talking in that room.

I continue until I arrive at the water sound.

There is more than one shower, but not as many as there should be considering the number of people living here. One is already taken, probably by Chanyeol. I really want to see it. Chanyeol's skin... I dreamt of it so much. It's less than one meter from me. How an EXO-L could be so blessed? Imagine, being in EXO's bathroom and being so close to Chanyeol taking a shower... I can breathe the same air as his shower.

"Hello Kyungsoo. It's unusual to have you here so late!" Suho just saved his happy virus. He uses the mirror to adjust his hair.

"Hello. I stayed up late because of a show I was engrossed into." Good job me. You gave a perfect answer and you aren't even lying!

"What was it? Maybe I've already seen it." Suho asked.

"EXO's Showtime, it's so fun I can't help myself to watch it over and over!"

"Our reality show? It's a little weird." Suho raises an eyebrow, still doing his hair.

Why did I said that?! Am I that stupid? It's not an answer DO would make. It's true. It's really weird. Why is an EXO member watching himself on tv over and over? Narcissistic is the word you use for those people. You made Kyungsoo a big narcissus in his leader's eyes. Noooo. Are you stupid ? Stupid you. Stupid.

"It's weird, but I feel you. I rewatched it a month ago. I made so many good jokes. You know, in the first episode when we had to test our mic, I made Jongdae laugh. You know. JONGDAE LAUGHED TO ONE OF MY JOKES. I miss that time."

I suppose I should thank Suho for saving me? He's being a leader and savior for his EXO-L even without doing it on purpose. I love you. BUT, there is a but. If I remember well, Chen laughed while doing a facepalm. His laugh was probably a nervous one because he was ashamed of your lame joke. Don't worry, I will never tell you this out loud. So you will still believe you were funny. I still have a lot of respect for you even if you are full of yourself. Because you are that brave mother who took care of her children, even after their father left. Being a single mother of 9 children is no joke.

Let's wash ourselves.

Wait I made a big mistake.


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