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Present Day

They screamed closer, filling the night air with ear piercing vibrations. They flashed their beams of light everywhere illuminating the street with color. The police arrived at my house shortly after the explosion. Alexia and I stayed on the floor, trying to catch our breaths, reliving the last few moments over and over again.

My leg throbbed with excruciating pain as blood pumped through my veins. The sharp arrow protruding from my leg.

I heard the footsteps barging through the front door, greeted by the mess that my best friend had made to save me. The creepy girl with a fascination with explosives.

"Alyson! Ally!" His voice muffled by my ears. "Code 10-52, I have two female victims, one with severe leg injury."

The horror creeps up my spine like a python curling around its prey. He had just said there were only two victims. My eyes shoot open, I try to sit up and a sharp pain burns through my leg.

"Hey, calm down... You're okay now," he smiles as he puts his arms around me to stop me from falling back.

Officer Shai, the cop that had come to my house when my dad was found murdered. He was tall, broad muscular shoulders, light brown eyes and hair to match.

Frantically I look around at the spot where the boy should be. " was some..someone else." I try speak but fear grips my throat.

I stare at the floor where the deranged boy had empty, nothing but dust and charred wood.

"Tim, he w...was there," I point in the direction. At the same time Alex sits up slowly, also looking at the empty space where the boy should be.

"Who, was there?" Officer Tim Shai asks.

I turn my head, not believing what was going on. Where did he go? And how did we not see him? We are all in danger!

Alex, breaks my concentration. "It was a boy from school! He was there just a second ago. He was trying to kill us!"

Tim stands up quickly reaching up to his radio. "Got a possible suspect still at large, send back up." He kneels back down beside me and pulls out his gun. "Listen Ally, there is an ambulance on the way and more police, I'm gonna check the house okay."

With my eyes I plead for him to not go, I grab his arm. "He has a bow and arrow," I whisper to the officer.

I lean back, my head against a wall. Anxiety crawls up my entire body, my hands shake, and my eyes close. I drift... A cloud consumes me... Nothingness fills me...

Seven years earlier clack

The man stepped closer to me and my mom. All I could hear were his shoes, the click clack of his fancy shoes against the dirty hard wood floor.

As he stepped out of the shadows his face was revealed. Although all I could look at were his silver eyes. They stared at me intently and I couldn't look away. I couldn't even see the rest of his face, just his eyes.

Now only inches away he kneeled down gently in front of me. My mom squirmed, trying to get between me and this ghost but her arms and legs were tied. Her muffled moans rang in my ears.

"You must be Alyson," his voice, low and soft. Gentle sounding even but it still felt like my bones would break just by the sound of it.

"Bring him in here," his head turned to the kitchen behind him.

I couldn't see at first, only the sound of shuffling came from the kitchen. As if someone was being dragged across the floor. Then I saw her, it was a girl maybe two or three years older than me, she stepped out into the living room.

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