The Inspiration

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I am usually a calm person. Like, its pretty tough to get me pissed off if you're a total stranger. And even then it's not like i'd attack you, even if you really pissed me off.

Theres only the very very rare circumstance that would happen.

In any case my current (pissed off) mood is not being aided by the fact it's 40° farenheight out, windy, raining, getting dark and i'm sitting on my bed in my room in the dark.
Probably isn't helping my eyesight to be staring at a glowing box at the same time, even if that glowing box is on its lowest brightness settings.

But basically i'm sitting up here because me and my mom had yet another stupid argument over yet another stupid topic. This time it was over the fact that my teacher isn't following the Student Handbook Rules or whatever the fuck.

She kept saying he had to because it was in the rules or something and I kept saying he wasn't because that's not how he runs the classroom and on top of that he probably doesn't care.

My teacher expects us to do the homework we missed for the day(s) we were out and have them on the day we return to school (its a stupid policy of his that he made up and its pretty much bullshit but he does it anyways to wear away our souls to fucking powder. Jokes on him though, I don't have a soul.). My mom said that's not true because its not in the handbook.

That's when we started yelling. Or shouting really.

That's also when my brother decided to jump into the conversation to be the "good guy" (like that's even fucking possible with him) and try to "break up the fight". He failed miserably and I left the room. Partially because I don't want to deal with his bullshit and partially because I don't want to deal with hers.

So shouted something along the lines of 'I'm leaving because i'd RATHER NOT BE HAVING THIS CONVERSATION!' and ran up the stairs and slammed my door. Also locked it. Then yada yada I shut off the lights and sat on my bed thinking.

Then it occured to me.

My brother is a leech.

He waits until me and someone else is fighting over some stupid shit and he crawls out of his fucking cave (the basement) and "stops the fight". What he does can only scrape by as qualifying as "stopping the fight" because I leave. I only leave because I fucking hate him.

But that's not what makes him a leech. What he does AFTER is what pisses me off. It may not seem so bad but trust me it's a pretty fucking sucky thing to do.
He keeps talking to whoever I was arguing with after I leave to try and "comfort" them. Except it's not really "comforting" them.

Its more taking advantage of their current state of mind to turn them on me and "bond" with him.


He leeches off their mental vulnerability and is basically turning my own mother (and his :/, same mom) against me.

I hate it.

He already took her away as the one person I could trust and now he's taking her away as my own mother.

Like I already fucking had a mental breakdown because of the first one, so now he's probably trying to get me to kill myself. Actually, i'm sure of it.

When I was littler up until recently (not sure if he's still gonna do it) he'd practically shout to me "KYS" (just the abreviation, but sometimes he'd shout the whole phrase), "I could kill you right now.", "go die in a hole" and "Shut the fuck up [insert insult here]".

Now he's started this whole thing of being like 2% nicer so when he gets a car he can get gas money (which knowing him he's probably going to spend it on drugs or some shit) for the supossed car he wants my parents to also pay for. Ugh he reminds me of a spoiled little kid who has no concept of money and the fact that other people have lives too. Except for the fact that he's 16 going on 17.

He honestly makes me sick.

He's a fucking parasite, and i'm not saying i'm not one either.
But at least I make some sort of an effort not to be a douche.

If you've still read to this point, thank you :3. Basically this chapter was just to show what my inspiration is/ was for this creepypasta. My fucking leech of a brother, that's what. Anyways if you have a weak stomache please do not read on. Thank you :).

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