A Lie for Two

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     Mystic Falls was not where I wanted to be at the moment. Grumbling through my morning routine I grabbed some converse and slipped them on, muttering about rancid panda bears. Starting a new high school in the middle of a semester was the last thing I wanted to be doing. Being the new kid was bad, being the new kid halfway through the year was worse. Talk about awkward. 

     The sun was just shining through the trees as I stepped out onto the porch, biting the inside of my jaw to keep from cursing Mother Nature out loud. It was around six-thirty in the morning but seeing as I was the mere age of fifteen I couldn't drive myself there and seeing as I had no family to offer me a ride, I was walking. 

     I knew for a fact if I cut through the woods it'd shave ten minutes off my walk, meaning I'd reach my destiniation just in time to be fashionably late. I smirked to myself, this new school had no idea what was coming to them.

    Stepping onto the newly fallen leaves I listened to the forest critters scamper around, squirrels collecting acorns for winter, rabbits thumping around the hollow packed earth. Mystic Falls High School was the only place I could apply, being that this town was very small. This was the only place I could find in the entire state that didn't have to meet with parents for me to sign up. Therefore, it was an automatic yes. 

    The sky got brighter the further I walked, the sun rising at a steady pace. I sung the Wizard of Oz song softly under my breath as I skipped along, jumping over the occasional fallen log. Birds called back and forth to each other and I smiled, whistling back to them. It was cold now, unbelievably so, but I just rubbed my arms and continued on. 

     I was gonna have to find a new mode of transportaion. This was definitely not cutting it. 

     When my new school came into view, I cringed. There was no one outside because it was at least ten after eight by now, my walk taking longer because I pretty much just snail hopped the entire way. I was thankful for that. Sighing I trudged forward, pushing through the metal doors and walking to where I knew the office would be.  

     I set my hand on the door handle, pushing it open and striding through with an air of confidence and a bit on disinterest- my natural essence. The secretary looked up from her crossword puzzle, her eyes narrowing at the sight of a late student. Her hair was a puffy grey color, to much blush spread across her cheeks throwing off her obvious old age. I snorted internally at her attempt at holding onto her younger days. This woman had to be at least fifty.

     "Name?" She said snottily, her nose pinching up in digust. Well aren't you a bitch, I remarked mentally.

     "Bree Connor. I'm new." I responded, throwing a false cheery attitude at her to which she just sneered. Wow, five minutes in and I already hate it here. How promising?

     "Here's a map, your schedule and a list of extracurriculars you can join. Not that you seem like the type." She replied in a bitch-tastic way. I grabbed everything she handed me and as I walked out of the office, I flipped her off. I smiled when I heard her gasp.

    At the top of my schedule was my locker number and combination and I headed down the hallway, searching for locker 203. When I finally found it I spun the combination lock, popping it open and throwing most of my stuff save a notebook and a few pens inside. I slammed the locker shut and took another look at the papers in my hand, quickly finding my way to my first class- English II with Mr. Craig. 

     Walking down the hallway I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my leather jacket, scuffing my feet against the tile floors. When I reached my destination I didn't bother knocking, striding into the classroom and cutting Mr. Whats-his-face off in the middle of a lecture. He glared slightly at me before he spoke.

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