Wolves like Smitten

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    Everything always came back to bite me in the ass. Couldn't I catch a break? This whole situation no matter how badly I wanted to blame it on someone else was entirely my fault. If I hadn't of gotten drunk, Tyler Lockwood - werewolf extraordinaire - wouldn't know I was a witch. At the rate I was moving the whole state of Virginia would know about me in no time!! Groaning I motioned for Tyler to follow me before turning back around.     

  "Why haven't you told anyone you're a witch?" Tyler asked, non to quietly.  

  "Yo bro, hush. We'll talk about it when we get to my house." I said, elbowing him in the side. Tyler nodded next to me and we kept walking, passing old couples who smiled at us, obviously thinking we were a couple. I grinned back at them as Tyler blushed. 

  "Awh, is wolf boy embarrassed?" I asked quietly, taking his hand and entwining our fingers together.

  "What are you doing?" Tyler asked, his voice thick with some unknown emotion.

  "Just holding hands with my boyfriend." I said loudly, pronouncing each word carefully. Couples smiled at me and Tyler elbowed me again.

  "Shut up Bree." He growled in my ear, squeezing my hand.

  "Oh, wolf boy has a temper." I chuckled, squeezing back just as hard. He obviously didn't expect me to have that amount of strength as he flinched.

  Walking down the street hand in hand with Tyler I was hit with a wave of nostalgia. Back when things were easy, simple, my brother and I used to walk around like this. Tyler even resembled by brother a little. Which was creepy. My dear dead brother Patience would love to know he looked like a werewolf. Pay despised everything supernatural. The fact that we were a family of witches ate at him each and every day he saw me use my powers to turn on the blender. I did that a lot. 

  "Well I thought that we could sit around and talk for hours!" I shouted, fed up with the silence. 

  "What?" Tyler asked, startled.

  "Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly!" Sleeping with Sirens rolled off my tongue as I swung my arms around, pulling Tyler around with me.

  "Huh?" Once again Tyler was startled.

  "You made me hate my own reflection!" Okay, so at first I planned on switching songs but ya know, this songs just to good not to continue singing.

  "What the hell is going on?" Tyler asked.

  "Won't you fight back for what you want?" With that I let go of Tylers hand and started skipping, belting Do It Now, Remember It Later. 

   "Bree! Shut up!" Tyler said as he grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder. Laughing I pounded his back.

    "Let me down you big bear!" I squealed.

    "Nope." Tyler sang, swinging me around.

    "How are you gonna know where I live?" I questioned, my head throbbing painfully.

   "I can smell you." 

   "That's creepy."

   "You asked."

   "I didn't expect that to be the answer."

   "You live in the middle of nowhere don't you?'

   "Eh, I wouldn't say it's the middle of nowhere."

   "What are you? Canadian? Eh? Really?"

   "It's a cool word!"

    "It's a syllable, not a word."

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