I Lead the Black Parade with Purple Turtles!

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  "Bree, are you sure you want to do this?" Elena asked, holding my beanie. Caroline and Elena were acting like I was about to commit suicide when really, I was just about to humiliate myself. But what's new, right? 

   "Yes, Elena. I'm sure that I want to do this. Now please, back away from the bar. It's Darkly's time to shine." I smiled, hopping onto a bar stool. Darkly was what I had so cleverly named my alter ego. She was the one I blamed when I woke up in a random cabinet, long forgotten after a night of bar hopping. Not that it happened often or anything.

  I jumped onto the bar, ignoring my new friends frantic pleading at me to not do what I was about to do. They'd just have to get used to my erratic behaviour. 

  "Attention! People of the Mystic Grill!" I yelled, drawing the attention of the entire room to me. I smirked. My smirk faltered through when a familiar dark figure walked into the room. Hmm. A Salvatore. 

  "I just wanted offer you all a proposition." At my words I knew I had every ones attention. I grinned. "A lot of you are probably wondering who I am. My name is Darkly, Darkly Smith. I'm going to give you all a choice, join my Black Parade or meet death at the hands of my sock monkey!" I yelled, stamping my foot onto the bar top. 

   The crowd sent me wary stares and I just looked back at them, serious as ever. Suddenly I felt strong arms yank me off the bar, lowering me to the ground. I kicked and bucked but it was no use. Whoever this was was to damn strong for their own good. I could feel it when skin met skin that this was a vampire. Another one? What was this town, a monster brigade? My first official day out of the house and I run into not one, but three vampires. 

  "Let me go!" I screamed, stomping on the big boot covered feet holding me up. 

  "Calm down Bree! It's just my boyfriend Stefan." Elena said, appearing in front of me. So Elena was dating a vampire. Interesting. I thought briefly about telling her her boyfriend was a monster and running off but that would involve telling her how I knew. I definitely didn't wanna do that. 

  I stopped my fighting and hung loosely in his grip. "You can let me go now." I grumbled, planting my feet on the floor as he sat me down. Turning around I came face to face with a chest. Glaring I looked up, seeing one of the most gorgeous I'd ever seen standing front of me. "Holy shit." I breathed, my eyes growing wide. 

 Stefan and Elena both chuckled at my words, looping through arms around each other in a very lovey way. I glared.

  "Darkly Smith does not appreciate being laughed at." I grunted, crossing my arms over my chest. 

  "Well, Darkly we're sorry we laughed." Stefan said, humor still in his eyes.

  "When's Bree coming back?" Elena asked, her head tilting to the side.

  "Never. I've taken over for good now." Smiling sweetly at the two of them I made my way over to Damon, hoping he'd compel the bartender to give me a bourbon.

  "Fancy meeting you here." I chirped, hopping onto the bar stool next to him and slapping him lightly on the shoulder.

  "I could say the same to you." He said, finishing off his drink and calling to the bartender.

  "Think you could do an old girl a favor?" I asked, twirling on my stool.

  "I'm not one to give favors." Damon said, not even sparing me a glance. He's going to be a tough nut to crack.

   "Well, it's nothing big really. See, I'm only fifteen, on my way to turning sixteen, so I can't legally buy a drink." 

   "And this has what to do with me?" 

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