Chapter 5 - Story of my life.

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Yoo Jin's POV
I still cannot get what happened but Prince Yo has been behaving weirdly lately. I went to his study, delivering his tea, and knocked before saying "Prince Yo, I'm here with your tea." He said "Come in." I entered and saw Prince Yo sitting at the table. I smiled and said "Here's your tea." Before pouring it into a cup for him.

He said "Yoo Jin." I said "Yes Prince Yo?" He said "My mother is coming to visit, can you tell the kitchen to prepare a hearty dinner the day after?" I nodded and said "Of course, Prince Yo. I'll go immediately." He said "Come back after that." I said "Yes Prince Yo." After my trip to the kitchen, I went back to the study. "YOU IDIOT! GET OUT, GET OUT NOW!" I ran in and saw Prince Yo, preparing to lunge at the servant.

I ran over and wrapped my arms around his waist before pulling him back and saying "Prince Yo, please calm down! GO! HURRY!" The girl ran as fast as she could and closed the door behind her. I kept my arms tightly around him, holding him while he calmed down. Suddenly, he turned around and grabbed me by my neck. He hissed "Do you have a death wish?" I was already struggling for air, and I was gripping at his hand.

Wang Yo's POV
I was gripping her neck. I let go of her immediately, after realizing that it was Yoo Jin. She fell to the ground, gasping for air. I knelt down in front of her and said "Yoo Jin...I-I-" I saw her tears rolling down her cheeks and my heart began to clench. For the first time, I felt guilty for doing something.

I wrapped my arms around her and she leaned into my chest, crying in fear. I said "Yoo Jin...I-I'm sorry..." She cried badly and suddenly "Please...P- Please...Don't hurt me...Don't hurt me..." I cupped her face lightly and said "I'm not going to hurt you, Yoo Jin." She looked at me, eyes full of hurt and fear. Wrapping her arms around me and said "I'm sorry, Prince Yo...It's not about you...It's just me..."

I lifted her up and sat her down onto the chair before tucking her hair behind her ear. I said "Tell me. Tell me why."

Yoo Jin's POV
When he grabbed my neck and choked me, everything from the day of my parents' death came flooding back. "Ahh...Pretty little girl, your daughter, I see. How would it feel, if I killed her in front of both of you?" I shook my head, trying to tell myself that it was all over.

Prince Yo cupped my face lightly and I cried harder. He said "Tell me. Tell me why." I said "M- My parents' murderer...He- He choked me...He told my parents that they had to choose...To choose between me or their lives..." I gripped on his arms as he hugged me tightly. He said "I'm sorry."

I said "He killed them...He killed them right in front of my eyes..." He said "So everything you said that day...About finding their bodies...Were lies?" I nodded and said "I never wanted people to find out about my weak spot..." He said "How old were you...?" I said "I was 13...I- I had a brother too..." He said "What happened to him?" I shook my head and said "I don't know...They- They took him away...He was 16." He said "What's his name?" I said "Jin Ho..." He said "Jin Ho?" I nodded and said "My Oppa...He was very good looking at 16..."

He said "Do you want to look for him?" I nodded and said "But I don't have very high hopes...I don't know if he's still alive or not...Or what they did to him...I- I just hope he's living well, and that he's safe, that's all I need..."

Wang Yo's POV
I have never seen someone this weak before, and I felt my heart clenching, especially since it's Yoo Jin. I said "I can find him for you..." She said "Prince Yo...I don't even know what he looks like, or if he remembers me..." He said "I'll do everything to reunite you with your brother." She said "Thank you, Prince Yo..."

I hugged her tightly and said "It's alright...Don't cry anymore..." As I pressed a kiss onto her forehead. She looked up at me through her tears and I said "I like you. Can't you see?" She gasped in shock, and I pressed my lips onto hers. I wrapped my arms around her waist tightly and she kissed me back, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I smiled and said "Does that mean you like me too?" She looked away shyly and I cupped her face with one hand and smiled. She said "Prince Yo...We- Can't..." I said "Why not?" She said "You're a married man, Prince Yo...You- You have a wife." I smiled and said "Don't worry about her. I'm a Prince, I can have as many wives as I want."

Yoo Jin's POV
"Prince Yo...D- Do you have feelings for Princess Mungong...?" He looked at me with his eyebrow cocked and I said "I- I'm sorry if I asked an intrusive question..." His expression immediately changed, into one of smiles. I hardly saw Prince Yo smiling, I have to admit that he looks really good when he smiles.

He said "Mungong and I got married through an arranged marriage. It wasn't my choice, Mother already made the decision for me. I was in no position to reject it." I nodded slightly and he said "I don't have feelings for Mungong. But..."

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