Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Palace.

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Yoo Jin's POV
"Yoo Jin, this will be your room. You will be following me, is that ok?" A girl named Chae Ryung said. It was my first day in the palace, and I was allocated to work in the house of the 8th Prince, Wang Wook. I nodded and said "Thank you...How should I address you?" She smiled at me widely before saying "You can call me Unnie. I'm 2 years older than you." I said "Chae Ryung Unnie..." I placed my small baggage down onto the ground and she said "You can settle down for now, I'll come get you later."

I said "Thank you." She left and I sat on the ground while she left the room. Even though I was brought to the palace as a servant, I am still glad that Prince Wook gave me a chance to change my life for the better. I met Prince Wook accidentally, after he came to my rescue when he was visiting the city. I was an orphan and I was walking home from a shop that I worked at when a few guys dragged me into the alley. I was beaten up, and sexually harassed. But, Prince Wook saved me.

After sending the guys away, he stayed and conversed with me. I told him about my family, and my current state. He was very concerned, and offered to take me back to the palace, which I actually refused. I said "I may be suffering, but I can get by, Prince Wook. I don't want to owe anyone anything..." He smiled and said "Yoo Jin, if you're worried about living off me, it's alright. I can take you in as a servant." I said "I can do that, Prince Wook." He said "Pack your bags, we're leaving for the palace."

And that's how I landed here, in the home of the 8th Prince, waiting for my duties. Chae Ryung said "Yoo Jin, we need to go now." I left my room and she said "We have to be at the hall, all the other Princes are gathered there, including Princess Yeon Hwa." I nodded and on the way there, she told me about everything I nodded to know. Lastly, she added !You'll be in charge of serving the 3rd Prince, Prince Yo." Suddenly, she stopped and grabbed my arms. "You have to be very careful, Prince Yo is very difficult to please. Especially since you're new..." I nodded and said "Thank you for letting me know, Chae Ryung Unnie."

She said "Prince Yo is easy to identify. He wears earrings and he's the Prince that looks angry all the time." I giggled and she said "I'm telling the truth, Yoo Jin." I nodded and said "I will take note of that." She brought me to the kitchen, and we grabbed the trays that were for our designated Princes. Chae Ryung led the way and we went to the hall. We entered, and I immediately spotted Prince Yo, and made my way towards him. I bowed politely before placing the tray in front of him.

Grabbing the tea pot with both hands, I carefully poured the tea into his cup. I put the pot down and while moving away, we made eye contact and my heart was racing. I guess it was from nervousness, I don't really know.

Wang Yo's POV
Another new girl. Useless. As I watched her careful movements, I began to feel more and more agitated. She was working so slowly! I began to glare at her while she poured my tea, but I noticed there was something different about her. Usually, when I glare at the servants, they are so weak that they would notice my strong glare and make a mistake, for instance, pouring tea onto my hand. However, she's different. She managed to stay focused, and she didn't miss her aim.

As she pulled away, I caught her glance and noticed how she looked. She definitely looked better than most servants in the palace. She slowly backed away and went away with Chae Ryung. Eun, said "Brother Wook, you have anew servant in your home?" Wook nodded and did "Yes, Jung. I do. How did you know that?" Eun smiled and said "I just noticed that the girl that served Brother Yo looked very unfamiliar." I shook my head and said "Where did you do charity again to pick up another piece of trash?"

Wook said "Brother Yo, I helped her from a situation, and she told me that she was an orphan. I offered her a home here, but she refused and insisted on doing something for me, so I took her in as a servant." I shook my head and said "You always care for others." Yeon Hwa said "Oh really? I wasn't told about a new servant." Wook said "Chae Ryung ah, please bring Yoo Jin in." Yoo Jin was ushered in and led to stand beside Wook. He said "Yoo Jin, introduce yourself."

Yoo Jin's POV
"Yoo Jin, introduce yourself." I gulped nervously and felt sweat dripping down. I said "Princes and Princess Yeon Hwa, my name is Lee Yoo Jin, and I'm 16 years old." I looked around nervously and suddenly, a Prince walked towards me. He said "Annyeong! I'm Eun, the 10th Prince! You look pretty." I blushed and said "Thank you, Prince Eun."

Prince Yo has constantly been staring at me, I'm starting to feel very self conscious. I smiled politely and Prince Wook said "You are excused, Yoo Jin." I bowed and said "Thank you, I'll be taking my leave, Princes and Princess Yeon Hwa."

What a first day in the palace.

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