Your leaving

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~Brianna's POV

It was time for dance rehearsal and I really didn't want to see Ray Ray. I'm so upset at him I could just lock him in a cage with a tiger. He's fucked up in the brain.

I got ready and was ready a hour later. I started to head down to the lobby to meet with everybody. While I was going down my eyes landed on Keisha.

Before I could say hi or anything like that she started to charge over to me. I stood there scared for life.

"You and Prince are in big trouble!" Keisha grabs my wrist and starts pulling me.

We end up in front of this big door. I heard screaming before we even turned the corner. She opens the door and Princeton shoot up from his seat looking at Walter.

"FORGET THIS!" He screams in Walters face while his veins pop out of his skin.


Princeton turns his head to us and he looks so upset. His eyes were cherry red.

"Come over here Brianna." Walter pats the seat next to him.

I walk over to him and Princeton sat down right in front of me. He looked me in my eye then away.

What the fuck is going on? Keisha sat down at the end of the long glass table. The picture of us kissing popped up on the big screen they had. I knew we would get in trouble!

"Brianna explain this." Keisha points to the picture.

I get nervous and start stumbling over my words. "I-I um... I don't know."

"You two got caught kissing! How could you be so careless Princeton!" Keisha screams.

"What the fuck I'm eighteen! I shouldn't have to hide the fact that she's with me!" he screams.

(A/n: I know Princeton isn't eighteen he is just eighteen in this story)

Walter stands up. "Princeton calm down!"

"No because this isn't right!"

"It's what's right for the fans and the group." Keisha says.

I get feed up with all the confusion. "What is going on!"

"Your leaving!" Both Princeton and Walter say.

"Your flight home is at two. You should go get packed." Keisha says softly.

I slowly nod my head and get up. Princeton gets up to follow me.

"Princeton you have dance rehearsal." Keisha says.

"Dance ends at three." he says.

Keisha nods. "I'm well aware of that."

He shakes his head. "Fuck you Keisha."

I open the door and leave before I have to see anything. I was upset but I guess its gonna be ok. I drag myself to the elevator feeling depressed.

As I'm waiting for the elevator to come Princeton walks behind me. He grabs my arm.

"Princeton get back here!" Keisha yells.

The elevator comes. "Lets go." He mutters.


I'm so sorry for not updating this story for so long. Updates will be coming more frequently.

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