Hopelessly lost

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Hopelessly lost With a knife in hand

Thinking of every Moment in my life

Just a one cut

Just one slice

But when is it going to stop,

It's always just one

One more

I want to but i cant stop This feeling

Shh don't tell

They'll criticize

Head down

Low voice

Hide the pain

Hide a tear

They cant see you Breaking

They cant win

One more cut

One more slice

Drops of blood Falling down

For no one to see

No one to feel

Clean up

Dont leave Evidence

They'll suspect

They'll judge

Nd never stop

Trace up nd down the Scars

Each one has a story untold

A reason for existence

A purpose to stay

Sh don't tell

Don't show

Head down

Voice low

Hide the pain

Hide the tears

Forget this life

Forget this love

It's hurts to slice

But it's also hurts to Love

It may sound stupid


By now I'm used to rejection

So go ahead

Laugh like the rest

Judge like them as well

It wont pain me anymore

Cry silently Because by now

The tears are gone

Dried out

Left like you nd Him

Like every one I Used to knoe

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