Life and pain

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Once in my life i had a cheerful time but sadly it ended

Years of suffer

Of silently crying out my pain

Being judged and hurt, not vebally but physically,

My life was on the line and it felt as if nothing could save me

No friends, no family

All alone to face a dangerous world

You came along

To help me get out of this hell hole

I thought the pain would end but turns out it just began

My life seemed better without you standing by my side

Not only do i feel unsafe i also feel way more depressed

I never thought of a blade against my skin until now

Never came a thought of over-dozing on pills

Not once did i think i should put a stop to my life

Now, thanks to you i wish time would stop, just for a while

i decide wether or not to finally put a stop to the pain trapped inside

This feeling is ready to come out

It is tired of playin' hide-and-seek

If the only way for me to have peace is saying goodbye

Then this would be the last time i will see the daylight shinning, my last breath to take but,

My first time without feeling pain because of getting hit by people with no feelings


Omgg i finally updated after what!!o?

A year cx lol

Well i've been busy so yeah cx

Hope you like this cx


Im thinking of ending this book and adding another one with quotes that I've written

So should i or not??

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