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Forgot about this, Disclaimer! I wish I owned Rangers Apprentice but I don't. :( all rights go to John Flanagan

" Baron Arald has given us permission to go and hunt down those assassins in a week. By then we will both be healed and a certain friend will have arrived," Halt informed, making his way in to the small cabin and to Will's room.
Will smiled tiredly at his mentor.
" That certain friend wouldn't happen to have a large appetite, would he?" Will joked lightly.
" I've heard he does like his meals," Halt deadpanned, face void of emotion.
Will snickered good naturedly and settled down in to the bed covers.
" It'll be good to see Horace again," Will mumbled dopily.
" Sleep now Will, in a week we can go out and rough it in the forest with Horace," Halt murmured soothingly as Will closed his eyes and drifted in to sleep, the pain from his wound eased.

Deorwynn did NOT like the looks given to her by the tribal women. They were attempting to get her to go husband hunting. There was no way she was going to get married at fourteen, besides, she had a sister and a tribe to take care of! And yet the women in the tribe were looking at her as if they were playing matchmaker every spare moment they had.
So she avoided them by going out and patrolling the borders, while practicing her swordsmanship. She had always been better with throwing knives, but her twin sword were her prized possession.
One sword had a black hilt and a silver metal, it was her sword from childhood and she'd been trained with it for as long as she could remember. She called her blade Tempestas, which was stupid, sick blades didn't have names. She didn't care though, Tempestas was her primary weapon.
The other sword had belonged to her mother, and it was hers now. The blade had a brown leather grip but the blade itself was made from a metal so pale grey that it looked almost white! Her mother had named her sword Ortus. Now that her mother was dead, the Soward was a reminder of the former queen's strength.
So together, her blades were called Ortus Tempestas, or in common tongue, Rising Storm, which suited her perfectly since her temper was like a storm waiting to rise.
" My Queen! You must come this instant, your sister is missing," a young boy cried as he raced in to the clearing she was currently practicing in.
" Missing?!" Deorwynn asked, a dangerous note in her voice. Whoever hurt Eliza was going to pay.
" Yes, she hasn't been seen all day and no one has seen her. We need to search immediately," the boy puffed.
Without a sound, Deorwynn raced back towards her tribal home, and with anger clear in her light brown eyes she pulled on her wolf emblazoned helmet. She was prepared to fight for Eliza.

" Isn't this great! All of us here in the woods again," Horace sighed as he leaned on a log behind him.
He, Halt and Will had just eaten and were sitting around the fire in the dark after their second day of tracking the assassins.
" Yes, its grand, but I find myself thinking of the stories I've heard about this forest area," Halt murmured contentedly.
" Stories?" Will inquired. curiously, eyes wide with curiosity.
" Yes, stories of a group of wild people who live in trees and destroy trespassers on their turf," Halt filled in.
" That sounds like a story I heard, about a tribe of people led by a woman. Apparently they were an ancient Race and people saw them hunting with wolves! Apparently they kept the wolves as pets, and cavorted with all manor of wild creatures. People said they were more animal than human and jealously guarded their territory. Apparently one of their queens, Sophia, led her people against a village that wanted to use her land for wood, slaughtered them all in an instant. Rumours state that their fighting skill is beyond any other because they were taught by the animals!" Horace retold, a glimmer in his eyes.
Will snorted in disbelief, rolling his eyes before pouring himself another cup of steaming hot coffee.
" Fanciful tales," Halt chuckled.

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