Assassination Attempt

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Will Treaty rode home from the castle in a good mood, he'd just see his fiancé Alyss and received good news from Baron Arald. Gillan was coming to stay with them for a while so that a new ranger could get some experience looking after a fief, Gillan had let the young recruit to look after his fief for a few weeks. Now Will was whistling softly as she trotted back towards his cabin where Halt would be waiting for him. He heard a sound off to his left, a crackling if a leaf that shouldn't have crackled. He was trained not to show his tense manner, but he was checking around him. He couldn't see anyone and after a long while, saw no further sign of anyone. He was on edge but knew that he was in no immediate danger. I wonder if it was an animal? It could have been a bird, or a badger, maybe even a boar? He thought, shuddering at the memory of the charging boar during his early apprenticeship. That was how Horace and I became fast friends. Oh that was a terrifying yet amazing day, now Horace and I are inseparable! Hang on a moment, I just remembered that Horace is coming today! How could I have forgotten that he was coming to visit later today! Just as Will was thinking this, he felt a searing pain bloom in his side. There was another sound cacophony of sounds and he saw the shadows of several figures racing away in to the forest. Tug whinged in fear and Will peered at his side, to see a long arrow embedded deep in his side, blood pouring out of the wound. A note was plastered on to the end of the arrow.
" Oh no....." Will whispered.
What was he to do? He was wounded and already starting to feel dizzy. I've got to get to the cabin, Halt's there! I need to get there! Will realised rashly.
He clicked his tongue, making Tug race as fast as he could to the cabin. Every jarring set of steps made Will gasp and cry out in pain. He was slumped forward now, pain making him double over. He saw stars but stopped himself form falling off by clutching the reins as tightly as he could. Soon he was close to the cabin and losing blood fast.
" Come on Tug," Will pleaded weakly.
He felt darkness overtake his vision just as he saw the cabin in the distance. He landed slightly but as darkness completely engulfed him he let the darkness take away the pain.

Halt was just finishing a report for Crowley, he would have to send it off to Castle Araluen as soon as possible. He rolled up the parchment and was just standing up when he heard a loud and terrified neighing. He banged his head and cursed quietly. Rubbing his head he heard the neighing continue.
" What the..... Abelard, is that you?" Halt said in annoyance and concern as he opened the door.
Abelard, in his small lean to stable was looking just as confused as he was, if a horse could physically look confused.  Turning his head he spotted a spot of grey in the distance, and realised it was Tug. However, Tug was paving a nd making that loud, terrible neighing noise. Will! Is something wrong with Will?
Halt ran, racing towards Tug even though he had no shoes on. As he was running he saw a mottled cloaked figure lying on the ground behind Tug who was pacing nervously. Halt reached them and gazed down at the sight before him. Will lay on the ground, pale and unconscious. A large arrow stuck out of his side and blood was oozing out of the wound. A parched net was tied to the end of the arrow and Halt couldn't maintain his gruff manor.
" Will! Will can you hear me?" Yelled Halt, kneeling beside Will.
Will didn't respond and Halt grabbed his apprentice in his arms. He managed to half carry, half drag the young man back to the cabin and put him on his bed.
" I'll get that arrow out, don't worry my son, you won't die!" Halt promised, half to ease his own grief, even though Will wasn't really his son, it was almost that way.

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