Brother Complex - Chapter 20 - Once Upon A Dawn

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Chapter 20: Once Upon A Dawn

The barricade was broken and a tensed silence engulfed the connecting air between the two previously separated worlds. A pair of emerald green eyes widened in shock, or rather, embarrassment, as his situation seeped in slowly into his tired and tortured mind. No word succeeded in escaping Charlie's mouth; his fresh, disgusting wounds and extreme weariness had held him back and turned him into nothing but a frail, bound body.

The sight of his boyfriend for two days had silenced Frayne. Blank; he went for a moment, trying to make out the thinning line between his insane reality and baseless allegations. Altogether with no freedom of movement, Charlie's body was nastily tainted with cut marks and angry hickeys all over the place. In addition to the proofs of his ordeal, amorphous livid bruises were present quite large in area combined. Only clothed in boxer briefs, his other pieces of clothing—as well as his shoes—were trashed across the glinting marble floor.

Considering the whole condition, the existence of Frayne's only relief was almost as if a miracle; seeing his boyfriend alive though unwell had erased his furtive fear of finding him in a pool of blood, pale and lifeless.

Frayne warily slipped through the broken mess while his shoes made crushing noises from stepping on its fallen shards. The instinct concerning his supposedly next action was as dead as the feeling of pain on his wrecked, bloody skin from bursting through the door made of special crystal he originally thought was glass. However, the fact no longer mattered for its beauty had perished along with its once beautiful form.

"What the fuck?" Robert uttered as he followed the older male inside. Having being wasted, his brain shut down the possibility of Bobby turning into a crazier psycho when triggered into anger. He pressed the knife he had been holding deeper against Charlie's throat that instantly forgot how to function. Frayne died inside as his eyes picked out tiny drops of red across his boyfriend's neck, forgetting all about his own.

Being badly provoked, Frayne could no longer maintain his poise; he piped up a little too harshly regardless of the dangerous situation, "Why do you do this to him?" His tone spoke of the glints of fury in his eyes from the sudden alternation of his worries into rampancy that flowed throughout his body like a tsunami.

The hatred Frayne expelled was being reflected back at him through Bobby's full dark grey eyes. He remained immobile for it seemed to him the threat had little to no meaning, more or less worthless illusory. "It's none of your business! Fuck off or I'll kill you and your friends!"

It was almost a sin how Frayne had masterfully hidden the violent gritting of teeth behind his unmoving lips. He held back again; it was his only option since comical ideas of a rescue were deemed useless in his disheveled mind. Meanwhile, he knew better than to lose the cool in his head and let the powerful current of anger coursing through his veins sabotage him. If only the blade isn't so close to his neck, his mind constantly ran on. It was battling, thinking of a way to divert Bobby's attention so that he'd move the knife away.

"Now, now, aren't you being a little too possessive?" Frayne uttered after some serious consideration. It came out too placid that he had a hard time swallowing. "Come on, man, what you're doing is a total waste of time."

His feet moved a level ahead while he stole a swift, furtive glance toward his boyfriend whose eyes exuded no emotion. They were dead from fatigue; he had long yielded to whatever destiny had awaited him. The fact had hurt Frayne reciprocally, but a feeling of hurt didn't stop him from degrading his boyfriend even more. In order to save him, there were prices to pay—both mentally and physically.

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