Chapter Three: Zak's POV

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I turned my back to Nova and made to walk away but never got more than two steps when suddenly his arms appeared around my waist, pulling me back into him. "W-what," I began as I stumbled into his broad chest.
Nova bent down, pulling my chin up once more with his free hand. He paused for a second before gently pressing his lips to mine. My mind blanked for a moment before registering what was going on.
"Nnnn." I tried to break free of his grip but couldn't. His arms were locked securely in place, holding me to his warm body.
In my struggle I managed to elbow him in the ribs making him release my lips with a gasp, but I still couldn't free myself from the thick bands of muscle he called arms.
He pulled his head back so that I could now see his whole face, a smile spreading across his face. "Your face is so red kid. Are you embarrassed?" He asked mockingly.
This made my cheeks flush hot in anger. Did he think that he could have his way with me? I don't think so! "L-let g-go." I struggled to pry his arm off my waist but to no avail.
Suddenly my feet left the floor as Nova lifted me up and wrapped my legs round his waist. I gripped his shoulders with trembling hands, which made him grin even more.
"Don't worry little one, I won't hurt you. I just can't help myself." He pressed his lips to mine once more, seeming to enjoy the fact that we were now the same height.
He freed a hand from my waist and snaked it up my shirt as he pushed my back into the cold and slightly damp bare wall of the living room. His fingertips burnt a trail up my torso as he gently caressed my skin. I gasped in surprise as he rubbed over my nipple, the feeling foreign to me but at the same time giving him the chance he'd been waiting for. He slipped his tongue inside my mouth, intertwining it with mine, coaxing it to play along when it didn't respond. My mind seemed to have given up on all reason and allowed these foreign sensations to take over as I tried to keep up with him, kissing him back as best I could.
He pulled after away a few moments later and chuckled when his eyes landed on my scarlet face. He cocked a brow as he brought his lips teasingly to my ear, "don't tell me this is your first time?"
I almost head butted the man in my irritation, making him pull back. I glared as strongly as I could at the man who currently had me pinned against a wall, "I-I've k-kissed before but not like t-that." I tried to sound angry but I was beyond embarrassed now and all I could think to do was hide my face in my hands. I was ashamed at myself for not putting up more of a fight and letting myself be swept away by this man. I was so confused, my heart was telling me everything was fine but my mind was telling me the opposite.
"Don't hide that cute little face. Let me see." Nova seemed to have sensed my inner turmoil as he carefully pulled my uninjured hand away from my face effortlessly, coaxing me softly to do the same with the other. Sighing, I let the other drop back to his shoulder, careful not to aggravate it again as I looked shyly into his beautiful brown eyes, completely entranced by them.
"You're too cute. I'm so glad I've finally found you." He said softly as he pecked my cheek and began to walk out of the room.
My mind completely disregarded what he had said as he turned into the hallway, "W-where are we going?" I asked nervously, fidgeting in his arms. I locked my heels behind his back, steadying myself as he climbed the stairs, my heart racing in my chest.

Nova chuckled "do you really need to ask?" His eyes were full of mischief making him look a lot younger than what I thought he was.
My breath caught in my throat as his words sunk in. "B-but," I squirmed in his arms as my mind processed what he meant. This was not happening.
"Whoa! Careful, almost dropped you." Nova's grip tightened around my waist and my back, stopping my movements as he continued up the stairs.
He opened the door to one of the bedrooms and went inside. It had been cleaned and the walls stripped bare, as well as the flooring and to my surprise a new bed had been set up in the far corner complete with brand new sheets. Nova closed the door behind us, not even pausing as he made his way over to the new double bed. Gently, he lay me on the soft bed, leaning over me smiling softly. He leaned down and put his lips to mine, his tongue licked at my lips eagerly awaiting for me to part them, so I did. His tongue gently explored my mouth, tangling it with mine, taking his time and seeming to savour every second before he pulled away, his face still hovering inches above mine. I turned away from his lustful gaze, my heart beat raced and my breathing quickened in response to this mans close proximity. What the hell was this man doing to me? This wasn't normal behaviour for me at all considering I wasn't even out of the closet yet!
Nova smiled, "so cute little one." His hand snaked under my shirt again, his fingers finding their way to my nipples twisting, rubbing and tugging on the little buds until they were sensitive and sore.
I moaned as Nova pinched the sore nubs, a shudder racing through my body and I blushed as a strange sensation spread to my groin. In surprise and most likely embarrassment my hands immediately reached down to cover myself and to save what little decency I had left. And of course the action didn't go unnoticed.
"Oh, what's going on down here," Nova slowly traced a finger down my chest, over my stomach and stopped at the top of my jeans, just above my hands. My body trembled uncontrollably at this point as an odd sensation bloomed in my chest making it almost ache.
With a sly smile, Nova gripped the hem of my shirt and pulled it swiftly up over my head, leaving my torso bare and exposed.
"You're skins so pale and soft, ma belle âme soeur." Nova whispered. My heart lurched at his words even though I had no idea what they meant, only assuming that it could be French due to the way it sounded.
He kissed my neck, suckling and biting, his teeth grazing my sensitive skin, undoubtably leaving marks as he moved south. My mind was frazzled and overwhelmed with all the new sensations that he inflicted on my body and when I felt his lips on my nipple my body couldn't help but arch into the touch in pleasure as he gently nipped, sucked and lapped at the reddened nub.
"Feel good?" Nova whispered huskily as he brought his eyes up to look at me before letting out a gasp of surprise.
I don't know when they started or why but warm tears had decided to roll effortlessly down my burning cheeks. I hiccuped softly as Nova moved away slightly, gently cupping my cheek and wiping the tears away with his thumb.

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