Part Thirty Eight

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Johns P.O.V

I was fuming. I'd already told Nova once about helping Zak out with the kids and now I was

Telling him again a couple days later. I hated repeating myself, especially since it shouldn't

Even need to be said.

I waited, arms crossed against my chest, leaning against my desk, for Nova to get here.

He came five minutes later, strolling in looking just as pissed as I did. 'What?' He growled.

'Don't you dare speak to me in that tone!' I barked. I composed myself before starting again.

'What are you doing Nova?' I sighed and sat in my chair. I really didn't want to have this talk


'I don't understand.' He stated.

'Nova, your still not helping Zak with the kids.' I sighed, 'that boy is fragile Nova! He's still

recovering, please don't hinder that.'

'This is what you hit me for?' He sounded pissed. 'It has nothing to do with you and Zak is fine. I

Don't know what's wrong with him lately, he does nothing but moan.' Nova grumbled.

'For gods sake son! He's not moaning because he likes the sound of his own voice! He needs help.

The poor kid is run off his feet trying to look after three babies. You barely help feed them

anymore. Ricky does that more than you! He even does the night feeds more than you too!' I shook

My head when he was about to speak cutting him off. I wasn't done yet. 'Nova, Zak isn't sleeping

Properly again. He's worn out, we all can see it. He's also beginning to neglect his own health

Because he's worried about Noah.'

His eyes widened, 'what's wrong with Noah?'

'He's caught a cold and has a fever Nova, he has for the past couple days.' I growled. I was losing

Patience now. 'This needs to change Nova. And it needs to change now! I know I'm pushing you

Hard with your training and all that but if you continue to not look after your children and mate I

will stop The training and I will cancel the ceremony.'

'What? No! I've worked too hard to let you do that.' He growled.

I knew that would get a reaction from him. He's been dying to take over the pack and has been

Working extra hard to make sure he is a damn good alpha, which I know he will be regardless. But

He won't be if he doesn't get his priorities sorted. 'Show me you have your priorities in order, then

We'll talk about you becoming alpha.' Before he had a chance to say anything back I dismissed

him. He sulked but left without uttering another word.

God I felt exhausted. I sighed before leaving my office.

'Thanks for that Micky.' I smiled as I passed him in the hallway.

'No problem. Goodnight alpha.' He bowed before leaving.

I stopped at my sons room and knocked. Not waiting for an answer I peeked round the door.

'He's asleep so piss off before you wake him.' Nova grumbled.

I held back a chuckle. He looked like a five year old, sulking like he was. I smiled as I saw him

Snuggle Zak closer to him. 'Goodnight son. Take care of him.' I warned before leaving and

Crawling into bed myself.

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