Chapter Seven: Novas POV

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I sat hunched up at the side of the bed in which Zak lay, staring blankly at the wooden floor. I'd lost count of how long I'd been sitting here, not moving from his side, not even for sleep. He looked like hell, his face ghostly white with little purple rings under his eyes. I longed for them to open. I longed to see those beautiful emerald eyes looking into mine, to see that sweet little smile he has when he's nervous.

The door to the room creaked open and Micky walked in holding a bowl of warm water and a towel. ''How is he?'' He asked softly, kneeling down beside me.

''No change," my voice was hoarse due to my dry throat.

Micky sighed and pulled back the blankets, exposing Zak's naked body wrapped in bandages, ''come on, help me clean and redress his wounds.''

I did as I was told. I winced as he removed he bandaging on his thigh, exposing a horrid scar that ran the length of it. I felt tears line my eyes but briskly wiped them away. Gently we cleaned and redressed his wounds between us before tucking him back under the blankets. I kissed his forehead, feeling his feverish skin hot against my lips.

''Nova, you need to come eat. This isn't a request anymore, it's an order.'' He growled as I opened my mouth to protest. ''It's been three days already. What good are you doing up here starving yourself?'' Micky grabbed my wrist and looked sternly into my eyes.

I knew he had a point but I didn't want to leave Zak. As if reading my mind he said gently, ''Zak is strong. He's made it through the worst part all he has to do is rest up and he'll be fine. Don't worry.'' He smiled softly and I let him lead me down the stairs and into the kitchen where a table full of food was awaiting.

I ate my fill quickly, knowing the faster I'm done here the faster I can go back to Zak's side.

''Nova slow down, you'll choke." Micky said settling in the chair opposite. ''How are you feeling?''

I had already told him how I felt about Zak and he had accepted it but he had expressed his opinion about how the other pack members might feel. My father is the Packs alpha and although he was very accepting of certain things I'm not sure the entire pack felt the same way. I was also the Alpha, but I still had a bit more training before my father let me lead the pack completely on my own.

''I feel numb" I said. This was the only word I could think of that best described he emptiness that I felt. ''I-I just want him to wake up. Just so I know he's ok. This waiting is killing me. I keep thinking what I'd do if he doesn't wake up." I trailed off, battling to get the words past the lump in my throat.

Micky looked at me softly, reaching out a hand he patted mine which lay by the side of my empty plate. "He'll be fine. Sore for a while, but fine." He took a swig of his coffee, ''he's a strong one Nova. Cute as a button too." Micky winked playfully at me making me smile.

''Thats better.'' He laughed. ''Go on" he nodded his head towards the stairs, ''I can see your itching to go.''

He winked at me once more making me chuckle, ''thanks,'' I said before slipping back upstairs.

I pushed open the door slowly and peeked in. My heart dropped when I saw that he was still asleep. I settled back into my position on the floor and put my sore head on my knees, sighing deeply. Night soon fell once more and I winced as I got up, my body aching and legs stiff from sitting still for too long. I drew the curtains after taking a good look at the nights sky. The half moon hadn't risen to its fullest height yet and lay tilted in the starless sky. Finally drawing them I turned back to Zak. My eyes widened in shock as his emerald eyes gazed up at me from where he lay, his body visible in the soft glow from the small lamp across the room.

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