Part Twenty Seven

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Nathan's P.O.V

It's been five days since Nova and his teams set out to find that son of a bitch. He keeps in touch

Through our pack link and I constantly update him on Zak's condition, which wasn't good.

The boy barely slept for more than an hour at a time, barely ate and wouldn't speak unless he was

Spoken to. He had lost weight and his face was deathly pale with black rings round his eyes from

Lack of sleep.

Myself, Leo, Ricky, Axel and Amanda have stayed by his side constantly, taking shifts to keep an

Eye on him. We were all afraid of leaving him on his own. Honestly we feared he would do

Something to himself. He couldn't cope at all. Amanda was looking after Kasper because I told

Her that Zak wasn't capable of doing it all the time. Which he wasn't.

We were all currently sitting at the table, eating tea. Zak had picked at his veg and struggled to

Swallow three bites of mash and chicken before pushing his plate away and helped Kasper feed

Himself. The little tyke had the food smeared everywhere and was thoroughly enjoying it.

'Zak, honey, you need to eat a little more.' Amanda said a little harshly, which was highly unlike


Zak shook his head, 'I'm not hungry.' He whispered, not looking away from his child.

'Im not asking, I'm telling. Now eat.' She raised her voice, not even hiding her irritation. This was

Definitely not like her at all.

'Its fine Amanda, I'll cover it and he can nuke it in the microwave later when he fancies it.' I said

Quickly, trying to end the conversation before it got put of hand.

'No. I've had enough. He needs to eat and he'll eat it now, not later.' She growled.

Without saying a word Zak got up and left, taking Kasper with him.

'What has gotten into you!' Leo growled at Amanda. 'He's not well and your not helping by forcing

Him to eat and getting angry.'

'Im not going to sit here and watch him wither away!' She screamed and stormed out of the room.

We flinched as a door slammed from somewhere in the house.

Leo sighed, 'she does have a point, but that's not the way to go about changing it.' He stood and

Left to find Zak, I followed behind a little worried. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

'Zak, bud, can we come in?' Leo asked knocking on the door to Zak and Nova's room.

Silence. He knocked again. We heard Kasper's cries sound from behind the door.

'Just open it.' I pushed Leo aside and yanked he door open, a little panicked.

I looked round the room. Kasper was lying in his crib crying so Leo went over to calm him down.

'Zak?' I called. A bang came from the bathroom and I ran, flinging the door open, almost ripping

It off its hinges.

I panicked when I saw his body lying limp on the floor, blood seeping from his head. 'Shit!'

'Whats happened?' Leo came into the bathroom, cradling Kasper to his chest. His eyes widened

When he saw Zak. 'Nova's going to kill us.'

I didn't care about that at the moment, I needed to get Zak to Micky. Once I'd pulled him up into

My arms I ran through the house. He must've hit his head on something. The gash was bad. It

Stretched from his hair line to his eye brow.

'Micky!' I yelled as soon as I reached the hospital.

He ran to meet me, 'what the hell!' He gasped when he saw the cut.

'I think he collapsed and hit his head when he fell.' I put him down on the bed and backed off while

Micky tended to Zak's wound.

Nova's definitely gonna kill me.

'Nathan, it's Nova. How's things going your end?'

Fuck! This man had scary timing. I took a deep breath, calming myself before I spoke to him.

'Hey Nova. Erm things are fine, Zak's still worn out and Kasper is as energetic as ever haha.' Crap,

I sounded way to nervous.

'What happened?' He sounded irritated. Well done Nathan!

'Zak collapsed and split his head open.' I sighed. I flinched as I heard the growl.

'Is he alright?' He seemed to be trying to control his temper.

'Micky's patching him up but he's fine. How are things going your end? Any luck?' I asked

changing the subject.

'We've picked up a scent and following it. It looks more promising than the last one.' He sighed.

I knew he hated being away from his mate and baby boy, but he wouldn't stop searching until he

Put an end to the low life. He needed to for his mate. He so desperately wanted his little mate to

Be safe and know he was safe and that the man that haunted him was no longer around.

'Be careful.' I said, 'and come home soon, Zak misses you and so does Kasper.' I smiled at his


'Tell him I miss them too and I love him.' He cut the link.

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