Chapter 1

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Life was pretty perfect, I was finally on A-troupe and I had joined Noah, I know that the two of us will grow old together, we're made for each other and both love each other. Today was like no other day, I got a lift off my Dad to the studio and met Noah at the door,  he was stood there with an umbrella and as soon as he saw me he pulled me under it and away from the heavy drops of rain that were puddling on the ground. We walked into the studio, our hands entwined. That's when I noticed Amanda, we were just walking down the steps into the A-studio, she was just stood there with her hands on her hands on her hips and her eyes pinned on us, no wait her eyes were pinned on Noah. I looked up at Noah and saw him smile sweetly at her. I was furious, Noah knows that I hate Amanda, why wold he smile at her so sweetly?

Noah's POV

I instantly feel guilty for smiling at Amanda but I did it because I'm desperate. I don't exactly have loads of money at home and paying for dance isn't cheap so I'm making a bit of money by satisfying Amanda. Basically if no one else is around she asks for a kiss or make out and then pays me, I know that I'm kind of cheating on Richelle by doing this but I would never ask for money off her because I respect her too much. I can feel Richelle's eyes are pinned on me but I just keep on looking forward and at no one point do I let go of her hand. Hopefully she'll just forget about what she just saw. We walked into the studio and went over to the ballet bar to stretch.

"Are you going to tell me what just happened back there?" she asks angrily, I sigh and think about what to tell her, and that definitely won't be the truth.

"Ermmm, just being urmmm, friendly, yeah just friendly I mean we're on the same team, we can't completely ignore our teammates." I was pretty pleased with my response, she wasn't, she stared at me for a few seconds and then shook her head before returning her attention to stretching. I knew that I had to put an end to Amanda but right now, I just couldn't afford it.

I was just cooling down after practice when I noticed Amanda walking towards me, luckily Richelle wasn't here because she had to leave early for a doctor's appointment. It was just the two of us in the studio, she was walking nearer, I know what she wants and I don't think I can afford to refuse it. She walks right up to me and places her hand around my waist, I turned my attention to her and she smiled seductively, she wanted a make out session in the costume closet, I know that if I give it to her then I get 100 bucks and that means I can pay for dance for the next month, how can I refuse?

I let her pull me towards the music room and into the costume closet, I let her lips meet mine and her hands to wander my body, the only thought on my mind is that I'm doing this for Richelle because if I can't pay for dance then I won't see her as much. For Richelle, for Richelle, for Richelle. They are the only words that echo through mind.

Richelle's POV

I was going back to the studio because I had left my new dance bag in the costume closet after a quick make out with Noah the other day. I got dropped off at the door with the instruction to be as quick a possible. I darted through the corridors until I reached the music room. I opened the door to the costume closet and then stopped dead in my tracks. Noah was in there, with Amanda. Her lips were pressed up against his and his back was pressed up against the wall. This is what Noah and I do, not Noah and Amanda. I clear my throat and they quickly pull apart, Noah stands up instantly and begins explaining but his words are drowned out by my sobs, I thought he loved me. I picked my dance bag up and sped out of the door, all I heard from behind me was

"I did this for you."

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