Chapter 2

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I run outside and into the pouring rain. If Noah was here he'd pull me under his umbrella, but I'm never going to get that luxury again, I'm never going to get Noah back. He clearly likes Amanda and never loved me. All the times he said he loved be, they were clearly all fake. I open the car door and sit down with mu head in my hands and my wet hair dripping onto the leather seat. My chauffer knows not to ask any questions, he just drives me back home, to the comfort of my huge bedroom and king sized bed.

I eventually get home and dart out of the car into by house. I race through the marble corridors and past the thousands of glass staircases, I'm only focused on getting to one place and that's my bed. Eventually I have got up the tree flights of stairs and am in my huge bedroom, I walk to my bed and pull the covers up around me, I fall into the soft mattress. That's when the tears begin to flow again

Noah's POV

I get up as quickly as I can but Amanda's string and keeps her lips pressed against mine, as each second passes I know that the chances of getting Richelle back a decreasing rapidly. Once I finally have stood up and pulled my top on I run down the corridor and to the main exit, I see Richelle's huge limo turn the corner and drive out of sight, that's when I know it's the end of us. I can't believe I let it get to the point where I relied on Amanda to pay for dance, it started years ago with just the quick kiss on the cheek for five bucks as a dare, as the years went by and my Dad walked out my family and I became more and more desperate for every scrap of money, I would have to stop dancing if I didn't find a way to fund it. I tried so hard to get a normal job but nobody wanted a poor fourteen year old, so I was about to tell Kate I was leaving the studio and then Amanda gave me an offer that I couldn't refuse.

Now I have to pay the price.

Richelle's POV

I don't get it, I thought we were made for each other, I thought we were going to grow old together, I thought he loved me as much as I loved him but apparently not. I curl up more and more and let my tears flow.

After hours of crying I finally sit up and pick my phone up, I've got hundreds of missed calls and texts off Noah, they were all telling me that he still loved me and that I should ring him, give him a chance to explain and to be honest, what's the worst that can happen. I click on his contact and then ring him. He picks up almost immediately

"Noah, explain." I say coldly

"It started years ago, it was just a source of money, to pay for dance. I had to do it so we would see each other day at the studio. Please, forgive me," He says pleading with me, I'm furious, I knew he didn't have loads of money so I offered him some of my abundance but he always refused, telling me he had it under control

"Why didn't you just ask me for some money?" I say angrily, I hear a sigh

"I respect you too much to ask for money, I don't respect Amanda so I don't feel bad taking the money off her." He says. Respect? this was a way to not disrespect me, making out with my sworn enemy in the costume closet isn't disrespecting me but asking me for a couple of hundred dollars out of my millions is? I don't think about anything before slamming the phone down. He's not worth my time.

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