Part One - Dying

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When I awoke, I realized that I was alone. I turned around and looked my own body on the floor. I looked at my own current state. My skin was fair and light, as though I was made of air and light.

My other body is laying on the floor. My body is laying face down on the floor. Blood leaking out of it, wet and slow. I have been dead for a while now, and no one had come to check up on me. Maybe it was late in the night and everyone was alseep. I felt disturbed to see myself from a third person's perspective. I notice how pretty my long blond curls are. The waves are loose and flowing, like the waves of water on the beach shore. The body is wearing my night gown, plain white with lacy frills around the wrists.

I am now just a ghost and by some other worldly power, I couldn't leave the room. I wandered to the balcony to my room and sat down on the ledge.

I tried to jump away into the night air but a magical strength kept me rooted to the ground. I tried to float away, close my eyes and forget this place but nothing came of it.

I remained in this state until all of a sudden, in the distance of the night sky I could see two people flying toward me.

They landed softly in the balcony. It was a girl and a boy. The girl was very slender, with thin legs and arms. Her skin was a deep olive color, with beautiful cropped deep black purple hair. Her lashes were thick and black, framing light golden brown eyes.

Her attire was a slick black body suit with white stripes going along the side of her body.

The boy beside her was handsome and tall. His frame was lean but cut with muscle. His skin was lightly tanned and his hair was a deep crimson red flames. His eyes were a deep shade of grey black. He's wearing a ratty looking shirt, like he never had much money in life.

The girl looked at me calmly, in an almost friendly manner. The boy looked surprised and I watched horror crawl over his face as  he noticed my dead body behind me.

"No one noticed I died," I said, not sure why I wish to add to his horror. However, the girl looked knowingly. Suddenly, as though by the mere presences of this pair, I was freed. I felt the magical restrains on me disappear.

I started to float upward into the night sky. I turned my attention away from my dead body, from my room, and the new comers on my balcony.

Rather I focus on flying through the sky, free. The clouds swirled around me as I fly toward the moon and the stars.

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