Chapter 14 My friends call me Rem

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We finished class. It was my first class back. Everyone stared at me. It was the typical looks, that I always got whenever I was around Damien, except now I got them all by myself. Damien hadn't shown up to class today. Neither did his servants. For the first time. But apparently Damien hadn't shown up since ...the incident on the moon.

I pack my books and wait until everyone leaves. Then I go to leave. I don't want to listen to the mean whispers of angels. For angels, they can be a cruel bunch.

"Hey, can I talk with you for a moment?" I hear a deep voice. I look up absentmindedly and see the boy from the day I died.

"Remscience?" I ask.

"Yes, but my friends call me Rem," he says. His voice is very deep. I was used to Damien's high cocky style. "Do you got a moment?"

I nod my head. He's been in my class but we hardly ever spoke. He usually sits alone, by the other end of the classroom, also near the back. I think that if Damien wasn't here, then him and I would have been friends.

This is the first time I get a proper look at him. He's not as tall as Damien but he's extremely cut. I can see his large muscles through his loose shirt. He has the red messy hair I remember and he looks serious. Like, he's seen a lot, been through a lot. His wings are not as large as Damien's but they are still impressive. One is white and feathery like mine and the other one is black like Damien's. Makes me wonder what happened there.

"Sure, what do you want to talk about?" I ask. I know it's about Yue. She was his guide...

"I'll walk you to girl's dorms," he says. He reaches to talk my books. I refuse. I only want Damien to help me. He notices and doesn't force it.

We walk in silence for a while.

"We can talk in the garden. No one will bother us," I say. I don't want other students gossiping.

He nods and we walk past the dolphin and girl fountain into the rose hedges. He stands and looks at me. I look back at him, waiting for him to start.

"I wanted to thank you, for coming to my help...the day my wings grew. No one else came to help me but you did," he says.

I completely forgot about that day. We were in class, and he suddenly fell off his chair. His wings were growing. He was in pain. I knew no one in class liked him either, as he was Yue's new student, so no one went to help him. But I wasn't going to let someone who set me free from my dead body suffer. So I naturally ran to help him. I helped him before I went to get Yue. After that, he transformed in the hall. He grew a black and a white wing. Yue took over and I went about my business with Damien. I hadn't given it much thought.

"Hey, it was no trouble at all," I said. He was such a gentleman, I thought to myself. Completely different from Damien.

"I wanted to ask you...since I had just arrived so Ididn't see what happened earlier, but...what happened with you, Yue and Damien onthe moon?" He asked quietly.

Ifelt comfortable with his calm ways. He had a way of making you feelcomfortable. I felt I could share what I knew with him...he knew about Yue andDamien, he was like a confidant.

"Idon't know much because I was kinda delirious but I was attacked by a taintedsoul. I think Damien asked Yue to help me but she refused...I remember seeing youbut I don't remember anything else. I guess I should be saying, thank you forsaving me," I smile. I realized how I should have thanked him but I had beencaught up in my own affairs. I realized then if Rem had teleported me to Ox sir,he must have left Yue behind....

"Itwas the least I could do. I was visiting Yue, when I saw Damien fighting withYue. I saw you lying on the ground, your face, neck and arms turning black. Youwere gasping for air and your body was twitching uncontrollably. I had no ideawhat was going on. I never admitted this to anyone...but I didn't whom tosave....Yue or you." He whispered, looking guilty.

Ididn't know what to say, that was complete news to me. I looked at Rem and sawan expression I hadn't seen in any one except Damien when he looked at Yue. Hewas looking at me with that same confused expression.

"Iran and pushed Damien off Yue. He was practically choking her. He had lost hismind. Yue was no help. I kept trying to keep them from one another. I was inbetween both of them. Yue kept trying to hit my back, yelling for me to get outof the way. Damien always brings out the worst in her." Rem looked sadly.

"Isthat how Damien got hurt? You did that?" I asked quietly.

Remshook his head. "No, he was already like that when I got there. Anyway, Ifigured if I couldn't stop these two, I'd at least save you. So I picked you upand teleported you to school. Ox Sir took the poison out and the rest ishistory."

"Iwonder how they stopped fighting."

"Iwent back, and ended it myself." Rem looks a bit pleased with himself aboutthat one.

"Ican only imagine what that must have been like." I chuckle.

Rem'slip made a small curl up. Seems he smiled solemnly and when he did, only onecorner went up and gave him a crooked smile. It was endearing.

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