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'Last information before the mission begins.' The woman's voice of the GRE said. 'You're telling me only now?' I said 'It was top secret Crane, this is about the fate of thousands of innocent people, maybe millions, and you know it' the GRE voice said. 'Rais Suleiman stole a highly trustworthy document in a political Accident, bring it back!' the GRE voice said irritated. I sniffed, looked at the Airplane's cargo door, and put on my oxigenmask for the height.

'And Crane, get our document back, lethal force is authorised' the GRE voice said before she hang up. 'Ten seconds before target is hit, stand ready to jump' the plane's pilot said. I walked towards the cargo door, checked my parachute one last time, and waited. 'Five, four, three, two' the pilot counted down.

I took one last deep breath. 'One! Go!' the pilot said, and i jumped instantly.I could feel the cold air of Harran blowing on my face, almost making me forget to deploy my parachute.

When i deployed my parachute, i whirled down very slowly, beneath my the city ever grew larger. Multiple houses appeared, and after some time, I could see beings on the streets, where those human? I decided to concentrate on the landing. I hit the edge of a small building, and tumbled down, and came to lay on the street, with the parachute all over me. I quickly took the parachute off me, and I immediately looked in the eyes of three men, all a couple of years older than me. Two had masks on, only showing their eyes. The other, unmasked man, was older, maybe in his forties. He walked towards me with threatening eyes, my hand went to my gun in my pockets, gripping it tightly. 'I told you it wasn't a normal dropping' one of the masked men said. 'Break his legs, then take him to Rais' the main without the mask said. I pulled my gun out, and aimed it at the man without the mask. He put his hands in the air, and started to slowly walk around me. 'Get the fuck away, I'll shoot!' I said loudly

'I wouldn't do that, you'll attract them' the man without the mask said. Right then I felt a sting in my back, and a blow. I turned around, and the three immediately started to viciously kick me. In the fight that followed, i managed to free a hand with the pistol. I aimed it at the neck of one of the masked men, and fired. Blood spattered all over me, and the masked man fell to the ground.

'Goddamnit, away, leave him, he's already dead!' the man without the mask said. I managed to aim the gun on one of them, but i was unable to pull the trigger. On my left I saw a zombie running towards me, growling. 'Fuck! No no no!' I yelled, and I tried to back up. But the zombie was faster, and gripped me by the arm. Faster than I could react, the zombie bit me in the arm 'AAAHH!!' I yelled. I fell, taking the zombie with me.

Right then I saw another person, and he attacked the zombie. Another one took me by the arm and pulled me in the house. 'Take him to the tower!' the man yelled, while he finished the zombie. The other person pulled me through the whole house till we reached the backdoor, the person opened it and pulled me through. 'Get out of here!' the man yelled, while countless zombies forced him into the house. He tripped, and the zombies started to crawl all over him. He was being eaten alive. The one who pulled me of the street closed the door, and barricaded it. The person took something from his back, and talked into it. 'Tower, Jade speaking, mission accomplished, I'll be right back' he said.' Both of you?' a male's voice said on the other end.' No, Amir is dead, but I bring back someone who might make it' the person said, almost crying. The person turned around, and I looked into the eyes of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

The next moment I lost consciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2016 ⏰

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