Chapter Eight

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Alanna could hardly concentrate during the first lesson of the day. She was stuck with the annoying and gloating Slytherins but she still had Tiffany to keep her company.

"What's that you've got there?" Tiffany asked as she watched over Alanna's shoulder. Alanna was drawing what seemed to be a pair of eyes. Tiffany smirked as Alanna's face reddened and she covered her drawing.

"Nothing," Alanna said a little too quickly. "Just ... eyes."

"Just eyes?" Tiffany repeated with her ever-growing smirk. Alanna rolled her eyes as she thought up a quick lie.

"I used to draw eyes all the time," she lied quickly. "At home. My bedroom floor was literally covered in tons of drawings of eyes. Ask anyone in my family!"

"Right," Tiffany drawled. She returned to fiddling with her quill and Alanna returned to her drawing.

"... and you all need to practise this for homework tonight!" Professor Flitwick squeaked loudly. The class groaned and Professor Flitwick chuckled.

Alanna looked to Tiffany. "What're we practising?" she whispered quickly. "I wasn't listening."

"Don't ask me," Tiffany grinned. "You should know by now at least that I don't listen very well."

"I'll remember that," Alanna muttered. She turned to ask the people behind her, but they were Slytherins. She didn't want to ask Slytherins who would most likely sneer and turn her down.

Turning back to Tiffany, Alanna grimaced. "There's no way we're going to find out what we were supposed to do!" she hissed lowly.

"Relax, Allie," Tiffany assured her worked up friend. "He hasn't said he's giving detention to those who don't do it, so we'll be fine."

"There's detention for all those who don't do it!"

Alanna glared at Tiffany.

"You jinxed it!"

"I've been wrong before."

- - -

Alanna was grumbling to herself come lunch time. She had long ditched Tiffany and gone off on her own. She'd had her previous class with Hufflepuffs, and the one beforehand with the Slytherins again. She'd had no time to see any of the Marauders since breakfast, which wasn't a very pleasant experience for anyone.

Upon entering the Great Hall, Alanna didn't spot the boys at first. She did, however, see the boy with the chocolate brown hair and mismatching eyes sitting with another boy with chocolate brown hair, but had matching eyes.

After another glance around the Hall, Alanna quickly came to realise that the Marauders weren't here yet. Deciding to sit with the boy, she headed over in his direction. She sat down beside him, earning a glare from the boy opposite.

The boy with the chocolate brown hair and mismatching eyes scowled and introduced the girl.

"This is ..." He trailed off after realising that Alanna had never introduced herself to him. Alanna outstretched her hand towards the opposite boy.

"Alanna Harpshire, pleased to meet you," she introduced herself to the boy. The other boy just stared at her hand for a few seconds before giving her a small smile and grasping it.

"Leonard Pilir. And you've clearly met Luke before, since --"

Leonard cut himself off as Luke waved his hands frantically, trying to get Leonard to stop talking. Luke buried his face in his hands as Leonard uttered his name.

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