Chapter Fourteen

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Alanna was told by Madam Pomfrey that she could be released in two days' time. Very eager to get back to class and just being able to move around freely again, Alanna was quite jittery for both the following Sunday and Monday. She knew that she only had four days of classes left before Christmas break started, but she was eager to get back into learning. Almost too eager, in Madam Pomfrey's words.

The morning she was allowed out of the Hospital Wing, Alanna was already up and dressed in her uniform that she had so kindly asked Tiffany to get for her the previous night. She was swinging her legs back and forth impatiently on her white-sheeted bed as she waited for the good-to-go from Madam Pomfrey.

"Alright, Miss Harpshire," Madam Pomfrey said as she walked over to the Ravenclaw girl. "You're good to go. I've written down your dismissal date, so you are officially released from the infirmary." Alanna cheered internally. "Now, if you experience any headaches, dizziness, nausea or any type of pain in your head, you are to come here immediately. Do you understand?"

Alanna nodded, not entirely paying attention to what the nurse was saying. She was glancing over at the doors to the exit occassionally before she heard Madam Pomfrey chuckle. Alanna looked to the Healer quickly and gave her a questioning look.

"I said you can go, Miss Harpshire," Madam Pomfrey repeated with another small chuckle. Alanna immediately jumped off the bed and grabbed her blue and bronze striped Ravenclaw tie. She slung it around her neck before she took off running towards the infirmary doors.

"Don't run!" Madam Pomfrey scolded the girl. Alanna immediately slowed and took to speed-walking instead. Madam Pomfrey chuckled.

"I worry far to much about that girl."

- - -

Alanna headed straight for her dorm, knowing full well that she had to get her books and other necessities before she even thought about going to class. The only thing on the girl's mind seemed to be class. She bumped into a few sixth-years who had their free period. She ignored Scott Gilmore and his pesky gang of Slytherins and instead continued on her way to the Ravenclaw tower to collect her things.


Remus was sitting in his Defence Against the Dark Arts class next to Peter, who was doodling disinterestedly on the cover of his textbook. Remus himself, however, was deeply immersed in the lesson being taught by Professor Jeckels about mermaids. Her personal encounter with one of the vicious beasts had instantly taken the class by surprise as Professor Jeckels was usually one of the most strict and cruel teachers the students ever had. But the students couldn't deny that they were thoroughly enjoying her thrilling tale of her encounter.

That is, until someone interrupted.

"You're late," Professor Jeckels snapped, instantly losing the high respect the first-years held for her as she went back to strict teacher mode.

"Y-yes, I understand that, Professor," a small voice said. Remus spun around immediately, along with James, Sirius, Peter and Tiffany, who was at the back of the classroom. All five students grinned at Alanna standing in the doorway, holding her textbooks in her arms with her bag slung over one shoulder and her bun looking quite messy on top of her head.

"You see, I was in the infirmary for ... three weeks," Alanna finished in a small voice. She glanced at Remus with an embarrassed expression. Remus gave her an encouraging smile and a thumbs up, making Alanna smile back at him.

"Ah," Professor Jeckels said in a quiet tone. "I've heard a lot about you from the Headmaster. Quite the curious case, aren't you, Miss Harpshire?"

"Yes, I -- Wait, what?" Alanna asked with a puzzled expression.

"Never you mind, dear," Professor Jeckels said quickly. "Now, take your seat and let us resume the lesson."

Alanna quickly shuffled in beside Tiffany, who immediately began whispering to her friend. Remus was slightly disappointed that Peter was sitting next to him and not next to Tiffany. Then the only available seat in the classroom would've been next to him, and he could've talked her through the notes.

Professor Jeckels heard Alanna and Tiffany whispering at the back of the classroom and stopped yet again with a look of irritation.

"Need I separate you two?" the professor asked in a stern tone.

Yes, Remus pleaded silently in his head. Switch her and Peter!

"No," Alanna and Tiffany spoke in unison. Professor Jeckels huffed.

"Just saying I don't proves that I do. Now, where to put you ..."

"Peter will move," Remus blurted out subconsciously. Peter gave his friend a bewildered look. Remus just nudged Peter from his seat, trying to get his point across. "Alanna can sit here."

Professor Jeckels considered the boy for a few seconds before she nodded.

"Yes, I think you ought to take a seat next to Mr Lupin, Miss Harpshire. Perhaps some of his respect will rub off on you."

As Professor Jeckels turned around, Tiffany made a face at the professor's head. Alanna stifled her laughter and instead grabbed her things and moved next to Remus.

"Thanks for that," Alanna whispered to him very quietly. "I was afraid she'd swap me and James or something. Being stuck next to Sirius for the rest of the lesson? Ugh. No thanks."

Remus chuckled quietly before he leaned towards her. "No problem. You need notes?"

"Um, yes," Alanna whispered harshly. "I haven't studied at all over the past three weeks! I need as much help as I can get!"

Remus chuckled again. "I can help you, if you'd like," he offered. Alanna gave him a look of exasperation as she set her textbook on the desk.

"Really? Oh my gosh, thanks, Remus. You are honestly the best. I owe you big time for this. Honestly, I can't thank you enough."

"I think you already have," Sirius hissed as he popped his head in between the two. "Now shut it. I can't believe I'm saying this, but this lesson with Professor Jeckels is actually quite interesting."

Remus glanced at Alanna. "Good to know he's listening for once."

"I heard that, Lupin!"

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