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In honor of 50K reads on this story, I decided to upload a one-shot that's been sitting in my 'ideas' book for a very long time now. This is for all the people that read this, and especially for those Lukanna shippers out there ;)
P.S: I wrote this so long ago, you don't understand. Sorry if there's mistakes or the writing's just bad in general.
Hope you enjoy :)


Alanna rubbed her eyes sleepily as she dragged her feet down the stairs and into the common room. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep with the cold wind blowing around in her dorm, so she intended to just sleep on the floor with one of her larger, less-fitting jumpers on. It should keep her warm enough.

But as she stepped into the common room with the starry ceiling, she noted almost immediately a figure laying across the sofa closest to the fireplace. She tiptoed over and noted the chocolate brown hair. As she peeked over the edge of the sofa, she knew immediately that it was Luke; he had the same navy blue hard-covered journal as always and was reading through it, flipping the pages constantly. Alanna watched him for a few moments, admiring how his hair was all messy, before Luke lowered the book from his face and raised one eyebrow.

"Can I help you?"

Alanna squealed and fell backwards, onto her bottom. She recovered quickly and jumped up so as to not seem too surprised in front of her boyfriend.

"Um ... Sorry, I just couldn't sleep," she finally murmured. Luke gave her the lopsided grin she'd fallen in love with and she couldn't help but smile in return.

"Come here," Luke said, patting the small inch of sofa left beside him. Though there wasn't much space for her, Alanna didn't hesitate to join Luke and climbed over the sofa and his body carefully. She settled down beside him, and he threw his arm lazily behind her head.

"What're you reading?" Alanna asked, merely wanting to hear his voice before she slept. She yawned, proving that she was tired. Luke chuckled.

"My dad's journal. What else?"

Alanna hummed in satisfaction as she nuzzled her head into Luke's chest. She sighed in content.

"This is where I wanna be," she whispered. "Here. With you."

Luke glanced down at her with his penetrating, mismatched gaze.

"Are you sure?" he murmured, flipping the page of his father's journal. "Because the last time I checked, Lupin told you he liked you."

Alanna felt her face heat up. She buried it further into her boyfriend's chest.

"Positive," she sighed. "I don't want Remus to come between us. He knows his limits, he knows I'm with you."

"But?" Luke prompted, knowing there was more to Alanna's story. She glanced up at him. "C'mon, you can't tell me there's not but."

"There isn't," Alanna said in a high-pitched voice. "Why would you think there's a but?"

Luke sighed, snapping his father's journal shut and tossing it carelessly down to the end of the sofa, onto both pairs of legs. He pushed himself up slightly, leaning on the arm of the sofa.

"Allie, last time you said we were okay, you lied. You said you liked Remus."

"But I don't anymore," Alanna told him, her voice pleading for him to let it go. "I like you."

"But," Luke emphasised. "You still like him. Correct?"

Alanna sighed, playing with the loose threads at the end of her jumper. "I now know why you were put in Ravenclaw," she murmured. "You're the smartest person I know."

Luke smiled proudly, but it quickly faded. "So?"

Alanna sighed. "I-I guess I still sorta like him."

Luke chuckled at her unsure tone. "It's okay, Al. I understand. Besides, everyone still thinks I'm far too old for you."

Alanna made a face. "It's only by three years," she murmured. "People can go die in a hole."

Luke chuckled. "They won't be missed."

"Well, maybe a little," Alanna said, holding her thumb and forefinger apart slightly. "But ony by their families."

"Let me rephrase that," Luke said. He cleared his throat. "They will not be missed by us."

"No," Alanna agreed, a small smile on her face. She yawned once more.

"We're very tired tonight," Luke noted. Alanna nodded and nuzzled herself even further into her boyfriend's chest. "Don't be afraid, Allie. You don't have to choose. I won't make you."

Alanna hummed into Luke's chest. "I just want to sleep," she said, her voice muffled by his shirt. Luke smiled, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"We can do that."

She turned so that she was facing the fireplace and Luke turned his posture also. He wrapped his arm securely around her waist so as not to let her fall off the edge of the sofa and the two fell asleep, watching the flickering flames.

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