Chapter Twenty One

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With Christmas fast approaching, Harena decided it was time to start decorating the house. She had assigned jobs to all four of her daughters and her husband while she went to do the grocery shopping. Stephan stared down at the list of things in his hand. He clicked his tongue.

"Well ... I'm out." He tossed the list at Joanne. "There's no way I'm doing that. She does know I can't cook food, right?"

Joanne glanced at the jobs next to her name on the list. She made a face.

"Does she really want me to put banners everywhere?" she muttered to herself. "She's joking, right?"

Emily peeked over her sister's shoulder. Her eyes widened and she screamed before taking off upstairs. Melanie rolled her eyes and snatched the list from Joanne.

"Surely it can't be that--" She paused as she read the jobs next to her name. "Okay, maybe I'll, um ... I'm going to Jacob's house. I'll see you all later." She handed the list to Alanna.

Alanna sighed, blowing her hair out of her face. She glanced down at the list, fearful of what her mother had assigned her to do. She furrowed her brows as she read her jobs aloud.

"Clean the bathroom; peel potatoes for dinner ... these aren't that bad," she said, glancing up at Joanne. Joanne frowned.

"No, they're not, but she expects me to hang Christmas banners up everywhere in the house!"

"Y'know, if we all work together, perhaps it'll get done before she gets home," Alanna told her sister. Joanne sighed as she glanced at the box of Christmas banners sitting on the dining table.

"Well, Mel's out, because she already left," she said slowly. "But Emily can help Dad do the banners, I'll cook, since Dad can't, and you can do your jobs. How does that sound?"

Alanna shrugged. "What about Mel's jobs?"

Joanne shrugged. "I could do them when I'm done, and Em can probably do hers as well."

Alanna nodded. "Right. Okay. Sounds like a plan."

Joanne nodded once. "Alright. Dad! Emily!"

"I'm not doing it!" Stephan and Emily shouted in unison. Joanne rolled her eyes.

"Relax! I'm cooking, you two are hanging banners! Get down here!"

A few seconds later, Stephan poked his head around the corner of the stairs. Joanne and Alanna shared a look.

"Promise that I don't have to cook?" Stephan asked his daughters slowly. Joanne rolled her eyes again.

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

"Stick a needle in your eye?" Stephan added. Joanne sighed in irritation.

"Fine, I'll stick a needle in my eye, just do the damn banners before we're all doomed."

"Yes sir," Stephan said. "Come on, Em, we have a job to do."

Emily appeared behind her father. She giggled as she jumped onto the dining table beside the box of banners. Alanna left her sisters and father in the kitchen area while she headed towarrds the bathroom to do her own job.


About an hour and a half into their jobs, Harena arrived back at the house with Melanie in tow. Melanie didn't look too happy, but Harena looked delighted to have accompanied her daughter back to the house.

"Ah!" she said in approval at the banners hanging around the dining and living rooms. "This looks beautiful! And is that the Harpshire soup recipe I can smell? It seems I did well in assigning my jobs." She headed into the kitchen, Melanie grumpily following with shopping bags in her arms.

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