Chapter Twenty Seven

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"... and we think it might be Kleine Levin Syndrome," Leonard concluded. Madam Pomfrey had to take a seat as the twins explained their theory of Alanna having KLS.

"Well, um ..." The Healer cleared her throat, "that's a very thought out theory, gentlemen. But I'm afraid there are symptoms of Kleine Levin Syndrome before the person just falls asleep."

Alanna frowned. "Symptoms? Like what?" she asked.

"Well, for a start, people with Kleine Levin are awfully moody and tired most of the time. Secondly, the syndrome usually follows a viral infection of some sort, and you hadn't had any viruses when you came in that day." She paused. "Usually, KLS occurs within male adolescents, but it has affected females before. Given the fact that you were asleep and didn't wake up once for three weeks, I'm at least eighty percent sure it isn't Kleine Levin Syndrome."

"And what's the other twenty percent saying?" Tiffany asked. "Because that's all we have to go off."

Madam Pomfrey frowned. "I think it is a slight possiblity. Only slight. You had no symptoms, and you never woke up, not even to go to the bathroom or to eat. Usually, somebody with Kleine Levin will get up after fifteen to twenty hours of sleep to eat or use the bathroom. But you didn't wake up at all ..."

Alanna frowned, thinking back to her episode. She wondered whether or not the dream, or perhaps vision, had anything to do with it. Since there was only a twenty percent chance she had KLS, she was debating whether or not to tell somebody about the little girl she'd seen.

"Anything you'd like to say about this, Miss Harpshire?" Madam Pomfrey questioned, seeing the frown on Alanna's face. Alanna jerked her head up and shook it vigorously.

"No, nothing," she said convincingly. The Healer let it go and Luke and Tiffany did as well, but Leonard narrowed his eyes, wondering what was up with the girl. She definitely had something to say.


When the four left the Hospital Wing, Tiffany took off, saying she had to meet up with Elise. The other three walke down the corridor in silence.

Alanna was thinking over what Madam Pomfrey had told her about Kleine Levin and about her vision. What was it about? All she remembered was seeing a young girl in a leotard before the entire room began to shake. Alanna only managed to follow the girl halfway down the stairs before the vision vanished and she woke up again.

Suddenly, Alanna felt a tug on her blazer, making her look up. She saw the concern on Leonard's face. When she glanced around, she realised that they had been left alone. She glanced back up at Leonard, a confused frown decorating her face.

"What's up?" she asked.

"What was that frown before?" he asked. "When Madam Pomfrey asked you if you wanted to say something. You said you didn't, but it was pretty obvious you did, Al. So what was it?"

Alanna bit her lip. "Oh. That frown," she muttered.

"Yes, that frown," Leonard said sharply. "What was it, Allie?"

"I ... I had a-- a vision," she muttered. "Or something like that, I dunno. Like a dream."

Leonard frowned. "Okay ... what was it about?"

"Um ..." Alanna paused, wondering whether or not to tell him. She cleared her throat. "I'm not sure if this is the best time. Or place."

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