Chapter 6

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Olivia woke up when the bright sunshine fell on her face. It was already morning.

Olivia rubbed her eyes. She had fallen asleep under a large tree with yellow, shining leaves. She tried to stand by holding a branch of the tree under which she has fallen asleep.

Olivia remembered about the previous night when she chased the mysterious, winged creature and got lost in the unknown forest. Whatever it was she must have never followed it. Now, she was trapped in a forest which was a forbidden area outside.

As she stood up, she looked around. Most of the trees around her were twisted. They were either yellow or green in colour.

Olivia was also terribly hungry. She wanted to have something. She looked around if she could spot some kinds of fruits around. She noticed nothing except a bunch of berries lying on the ground. There wasn't any berry tree nearby.

Olivia picked up the bunch of berry. There was no water nearby to wash them. She rubbed them with a piece of cloth from her gown.

Olivia started to walk forward while eating the berries. She didn't know the way. She even did not know where she was going. She just knew she had to find a place to stay.

Suddenly, everything became dark. Something had blocked the sunshine. Olivia looked up. It was a bat. A bat like dragon with wings. It was flying down towards her. Olivia ran.

She ran and ran, between the twisted trees. The dragon was flying very fast. It was steadily coming down. Olivia just knew that she had to run to save her life.

Olivia did not look back because she knew if she looked back, the next moment she would find herself under the huge bird.

Olivia ran till her legs were paining. She stumbled upon a rock and fell down.

Olivia tried to stand. But she was too hungry and weak to stand up. Even she hurt her leg when she stumbled upon the rock. Breathing heavily she looked behind. The bird wasn't following her anymore.

Olivia had fell down under a tree in a garden. She was surrounded by lots of flowers. But she didn't like the place for some reason. She was getting uncomfortable. There was something about the place that she did not wish to know. She wanted to get out of it as soon as possible.

Though her legs refused, she still stood up with great difficulty and began walking. She could not walk fast. She had become too weak and her hungry stomach made it worse.

The garden was so vast. She did not know the way out of it. She just kept walking in one direction hoping that she would get out of it before dark.

Olivia did not want to spend the night under a tree once again. There were a lot of dangerous things in the forest.

She kept walking. There were only flowers. Olivia never thought that the garden was so big. The flowers were also strange. They were beautiful yet there was something odd about them.

Suddenly, Olivia heard a sound. Someone was coming. They were the sounds of footsteps. She quickly hid behind a bush. She hoped that the person did not see her.

The sounds became louder. Olivia could feel they were coming from the right.

Finally, two strange persons appeared there. Olivia made a hole between the leaves and peeped through it. She could not see their faces. Their backs were turned towards her her.

One of them was a lady. She had worn a hat over her head and had long and plain orange hairs. Though Olivia did not see the lady, she could clearly tell that the lady wasn't pretty or kind. She was tall and was wearing a long purple coat. There was a long stick in her hand.

The other person was short. He was perhaps shorter than Olivia. He had pointy ears and even his cap was pointy. Olivia imagined he had pointy teeth too. According to her, he looked horrible. He seemed like an elf.

" What are you waiting for, Alvin?" whispered the lady in a peculiar voice. "Go and take a look around my garden and see if anyone is hiding in my garden. I am sure there will be someone hiding behind the bushes or inside my enormous tubs."

Olivia stared at the large tubs beside her. They were so huge thar even Olivia could fit inside one of them.

" I am tired Miss Myrtle. We have been hunting the whole day. We haven't even found a sheep or a goat." The elf replied in a gruff voice and yawned. Perhaps, his name was Alvin.

The lady, who was perhaps Myrtle looked around her garden. She also turned towards the bush but luckily, didn't spot Olivia.

However, Olivia saw her. She wasn't so horrible as Olivia had imagined but she wasn't pretty either.

Myrtle and Alvin turned to go. But just then, Olivia sneezed.

" Did you hear, Alvin? Someone sneezed. There is someone hiding behind the bush." Myrtle said and turned towards the bush where Olivia was hiding.

Olivia knew it was the time to run. She even knew the way because she saw Myrtle and Alvin enter the garden through gate in the left.

She came out of her hiding place and ran.

" Wait, you sly girl. Alvin get her." Myrtle shouted.

Alvin ran lazily after Olivia. Olivia got out of the garden before Alvin could get her. Alvin closed the gate after Olivia left.

Olivia was happy she could get out. She could hear Myrtle shouting at Alvin. But she didn't mind it. She was just glad that she didn't get caught.

It was afternoon. After one or two hours, it would be dark. She quickly had to find a place to stay. Olivia had wandered one hour searching a place to spend the night.

Olivia finally found a tree. It had thick long branches. She felt she could spend the night in one of them. Olivia quickly climbed the tree, found herself a suitable branch and made herself comfortable. She closed her eyes and soon, she was in her dreamland.

Hello readers! This is the sixth chapter. Please vote and comment. It insipires me to write the next chapters. Any suggestion is welcome.
- Edith

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