~Present day~
It was July 27Th 2003, the small town; Powers lay near the Oregon coast and had a population just over 700, well, it did. Before the light went out. Now there were maybe 200, if that. Alex Shorb and her large family had a house between the towns cemetery and a pond. Not that either of these things were ever visited or used-any more-, the house just suited the family. Large, gloomy, the light inside the house would not be seen by any unwanted eyes.
Alex was seventeen now, the guilt was still fresh in her memory and she had probably never been more frightened in her life. When she was six, her mother had died in her arms. Alex knew it was her fault but she couldn't think about it for too long though, the memories took her down a path that she didn't want to walk down, because the path didn't have a direction. Her memories were muddled, her father had done it too her, made her think it was her fault. Alex wasn't sure of the real reason of her mothers death because her father never told her he'd fixed her brain. Fixed it. That was how he explained it. If he could feel, he knew he'd feel guilty, but emotions weren't an option right now.
Alex was frightened of the men that kept the world in darkness, the men that made her how she was. Her family kept the complete truth from her because she would react too harshly, too irrational. Alex wasn't allowed emotions, they had trained feelings out of her shortly after her mother death. It had been a struggle but they had done it. Still even with her family having trained emotions out of her- or so they thought- Alex was frightened. Even she, herself, wasn't aware of how strong the emotion that pulsed through her was. But Alex felt, she wasn't meant to, but she did. Occasionally she would show slight glimpses of fear, emotion, sometimes even happiness when she noticed the small flecks of dust float around in the air and her father would beat her, then she would hide it again.
Her family had come from a heritage of well, she wasn't sure, but some sort of night predators. Not vampires or werewolves or phantoms or any other silly yarn, although consider herself open minded, Alex did not believe in such things. Her and her family were just people, people that could see in complete darkness, that could hear completely unobtrusive noises that no human could ever dream of hearing. People that knew the truth about the sky. About why there aren't humans living on this planet anymore. Alex had been born into darkness and continued living in it, until she had become curious of the infinite darkness, her family had explained vaguely. Ten years before her birth, the light- the sun, had gone out and her family had to get it back. They told her they were "Prognator lucis obscuraque" which loosely translates to Descendants of light and dark. That was what Alex was. She could live in light but it was uncomfortable and she could live in darkness but she had to survive on things other than food.
She had to survive on "Lux di", the light of the gods. The "gods" were the men that kept the world how it was and the light was the sun. The light slowly was turning her into a monster, it made her burn inside, it made her cry, made her show emotions. The "gods" had done something more than twenty-seven years ago, to cause the sun to stop lighting the earth and twenty-seven years ago, the earth was aware of this. Because the gods, they were slowly taking in larger and larger amounts of the suns heat. Until there was nothing. Of course, they could release it all but then they would die. That's why she had to train, when she was trained enough, her and her family could get the light- the sun back. Until then, she must continue to survive as a monster, with the light making her stronger and making her burn inside more.
Sea of dark
RomansaShe had caused her mother to die. Alex had put so much pressure on her mother because she had seemed like Alex's escape from the world she had been born into, some light in a sea of dark. Alex wasn't like normal girls, normal girls weren't aware tha...