Oh, Christmas Tree

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Oh, Christmas Tree


"Pond! What is this?"

"It's a Christmas tree, Holmes."

"Trees do not belong in the house, Pond. Trees belong outside."


Amelia rolled her eyes, "You've got a lot of things in this house that don't belong. Like that human hand in the freezer I've been dodging for a month now."

"Yes but those things have purpose! What purpose does a tree have doing in my living room?"


"Fun?" Sherlock spat, "Nature is not 'fun'. Fun is a nice murder, or even yet, a homicide."

"Dear God, Sherly," Amelia grimaced, purposely using the nickname she knew he hated, "You make me wonder why I stick around."

Sherlock paused, examining the tree a moment.

"Eight feet, evergreen, freshly cut." he turned on his heels towards Amelia, "How did you get it to stand up?"

"Christmas tree stand." She answered, pointing to the base of the tree.

"We didn't have one of those before."

"I went out and bought it."

Sherlock mumbled something unintelligible in frustration.

"Sorry?" Amelia offered, but she wasn't really sorry. It was Christmas.

He studied the base of the tree then picked up a square box wrapped in bright red paper.

"What is this?" He asked Amelia, tossing the box towards her.

"A gift. For you."

"Absolutely unacceptable, Pond. I don't do gifts."

She laughed once, "I'm sorry Sherlock, but that's not entirely up to you. I bought you a gift, and you're going to accept it wether you want to or not! It's Christmas!"

"So Scottish.." He said under his breath.

She gave him a stern, but playful look.

"Fine. Just toss it back to me and I'll open it." He reluctantly complied.

"Of course not! It's not yet Christmas!"

"Amelia, you just said it was Christmas!"

"It's Christmas time, not Christmas Day!"

"What's the difference?"

"Come on, Sherlock. You're not actually trying to tell me you've never had a Christmas before, are you?"

"I was by myself for a long time, Pond-"

"Not even when you were a kid?" She interrupted.

He sighed for a moment, turning his head to avoid her big, pleading eyes and sympathizing gaze.

"...You haven't, have you?"

"Not... Necessarily," he mumbled.

She cracked a smile, "Than this is going to be the best Christmas ever."


Author's Note:

Just trying this out here before I transfer it to Fanfiction.net. What did you guys think? Want me to continue? Have any fun Christmas prompts for Sherly and Pond? :D

Thanks for the love,
Kitty xxx

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