Baby, It's Cold Outside

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Baby, It's Cold Outside


"Where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise, Sherlock."

"Last time I was taken to a 'surprise' destination in a cab, the cabbie died."


Amelia could see the cabbie's shocked response in the rear view mirror.

"Don't mind him," she assured the cabbie, "It was the cabbie's fault."

"Actually, it was John's-"

Amelia slapped her hand over Sherlock's mouth, giving the cabbie a wide grin.

"Totally the cabbie's fault."

After they stopped (a block away from where they were actually going, Amelia had the cabbie drop them off there so Sherlock couldn't guess where they were going.) Amelia and Sherlock paid the driver and they hopped out into the cold, winter air.

"Sherlock, you can't just tell strangers about your cases." Amelia reprimanded.

"Of course I can. They know about them just as well as I do."

"Yeah, but they all think you're dead."

Sherlock frowned.

"Come on, this is supposed to be fun! Christmas, remember, is about fun!" She encouraged, grabbing his hand and taking off down the sidewalk.

She ran until they arrived at a skating rink, a very popular one too, apparently, seeing as how long the line was.

"No, no, you are not taking me ice skating, Pond." Sherlock protested, turning around to walk away.

Amelia held tight to his hand, jerking him back next to her at the end of the line.

"Oi! Pretty Boy, you aren't going anywhere."

He sighed, creating a cloud of smoke with his breath in the frigid air, which made Amelia giggle.

"What?" He asked, doing it again.

"Your breath." She smiled.

"It's just the water vapour in your breath condensing, what's so funny about that?"

"It's cute." She said with a smile.

He cracked a tiny grin. Amelia could always melt his heart.

When they finally had their skates strapped on they ventured onto the ice.

"Let's stay close to the railing, Amelia." Sherlock begged, "Not too fast, either."

"Are you scared?" She laughed.

"Not scared. Cautious." He corrected.

Whichever one, scared or cautious, that he really was, he sure had a right to be. Sherlock was a genuinely rubbish skater.

"Are you okay?" Amelia asked, as she helped Sherlock off the ice yet again.

"I'm fine, Amelia, I think I'll just sit by the side for a moment."

She skated him over to a nearby empty bench.

She skated nearby him for a moment, attempting all kinds of silly tricks.

After begging and begging, Amelia convinced Sherlock to come back on the ice. He slowly made his way towards her, but Amelia zoomed right at him, colliding with quick scream, and landing them both on the ice.

Sherlock blushed when he realized Amelia was laying directly on top of him.

"Hi." She whispered.

Sherlock laughed quietly. "Hello, Pond. How are you?"

"I'm rather cold at the moment." She teased.

He smirked. "Perhaps if we get off of the ice, it might help."

They helped each other up, then decided that it was time to go home.

Unable to find a cab this late at night, Amelia assured him that she would be perfectly fine with walking the 10 or so blocks back to their flat.

"You're cold." He said quietly, as they walked along the empty road.

"I'm perfectly fine, Sherlock." She insisted, suppressing her shivers.

"Stop lying."

"You lie all the time."

"Yes, but I get to lie. You, Pond, do not."

"How come?"

"Because I said so. Now come here and let me give you my scarf."

"Absolutely not! You'll freeze! I told you, I'm perfectly fine."

With one hand he grabbed her forearm, and with the other he removed his long, blue, scarf from his own neck and wrapped it around hers instead.

Amelia laughed under her breath. It was so Sherlock.

"Better?" He asked, resting his hands on her waist.

"Much better." She nodded.

He smiled, then they both continued home.

Author's Note:

Okay, so, I've never actually been to a skating rink since I live in a crazy small town, but I was pretty much imagining the one from Elf??

I decided to go along with the "Christmas Songs as Chapter Titles" theme.

This was a prompt from OhMyGodHai. She's presh.

I like prompts. You guys should send me more of those.

Much love,
-Kitty xxx

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