What are you Doing New Year's Eve?

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"Do you have plans tonight, Amelia?"

"No.. Why would I?"

"You're a 'party person'. I figured you would have."


"What makes you think I'm a party person?" Amelia snorted, she was reading a book on the couch. Sherlock was laying on the same couch, his eyes closed and his head in her lap.

"You're... Social. You like.. Human interaction."

"I like human interaction, sure, but mind you, I haven't got any friends."

"What about me? And Molly?"

"Why did you want to know if I had plans tonight in the first place?" She asked closing the book and setting it to the side.

"It's New Year's Eve."

"Yes, and?"

"I just wanted to make sure you would be around."

"Let's say I did have plans. What then?"

"I would convince you to stay home."

She laughed and he opened his eyes and sat up next to her.

"Why would you want me to stay home?"

"Because it's New Year's Eve, and that is a holiday that we should spend together."

"How come?"

Amelia knew exactly where he was going but she just wanted to hear him say it.

"Because we're a couple! We're supposed to do couple-y things on New Year's!"

"Like what?"

"Like kissing, Amelia Pond!" He shouted in frustration.

"Oh," she teased, "Why didn't you say so in the first place?"

"I don't want to kiss you anymore." He grumped, standing up and walking towards his bedroom.

"Sherlock, come on! I was just teasing you!" She followed.

"Well it wasn't very funny." He walked in the bedroom and shut the door behind him.

"Yes it was." She laughed.

She went back to the living room and picked up her book again.

Every now and then she'd walk back to Sherlock's room, and he'd tell her to go away.

"Oh, come on, Sherlock. It's not that big of a deal."

"Apologize, and I'll come out."

"Okay, I'm sorry." She sighed.

He opened the door with a grin. "Glad that's settled. What's on telly?"

"You're the worst, Holmes!" She teased, following him back into the living room again.

"You love me, Pond."

"You're darn right, I do."

They sat there for a while, flipping through the channels, nothing interesting either of them.

"Let's have a party, Sherlock." Amelia suggested, "Just you and me. We'll get all dressed up, I'll find some champagne, and we'll have a proper New Year's Eve party."

Sherlock, having no real reason to protest, agreed.

Amelia went back to her bedroom and stood in front of her closet, deciding on what to wear. She didn't have many fancy clothes, since she didn't do many fancy occasions. She decided on an old dress of hers from years ago, which surprisingly still fit. It was a dark floral with red and purple flowers against a black background, it had thick straps and a scoop neckline. She wore black tights and red velvet pumps and a pearl necklace Sherlock had gotten her for her birthday the past year. She left her hair as is, since it was an impromptu occasion, but touched up her make up with liquid eyeliner and red lipstick.

When she got to the kitchen, Sherlock was standing there, fumbling with a bottle of Champagne, examining it from multiple angles and doing all sorts of weird Sherlock-y things. He had on a beautiful black tux with a red bow tie.

"Amelia-" he said, setting down the bottle, his eyes wide with shock. "Wow."

"You clean up nicely," she grinned, walking over towards him.

"You're not so bad yourself." He said quietly.

"What does this fine establishment serve for dinner?" She asked.


"I told you yesterday to get groceries, did you?"


She sighed, but she wasn't mad. She expected as much from him.

They decided on A Chinese Take-Out restaurant that delivered.

They laughed, they told stories from the year past, and when their clock struck midnight, they kissed.

"I thought you said you didn't want to kiss me anymore?" Amelia joked quietly, as he pulled away.

"I lied." He whispered, leaning into her touch again.

Sherlock wasn't a huge fan of PDA, or any displays of affection really, but boy, was he a kisser.

"Oh, Amelia," Sherlock said later that night, "I'm afraid you've won."

"Won what?" She asked curiously.

"This really was the best Christmas ever."

-The End-


Author's Note:

Gah. Coming up with a proper ending for this one was tough, but hey!

Sherlock has to be an amazing kisser. You can just look at him and tell.

Anyway, I adore you guys, and stay tuned for the prequel, A Study in Pondlock: Origins.

-Kitty xxxx

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