It Must Have Been the Mistletoe

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  • Dedicated to Matthew Robert Smith ♥

It Must Have Been the Mistletoe


"Amelia. Why aren't you dressed?"

"Dressed for what? What's wrong with my jumper and blue jeans?"

"Amelia, you can't go to a fancy restaurant in a jumper and blue jeans."


"You never told me we were going to a fancy restaurant!" Amelia exclaimed.

"Amelia, I told you hours ago." Sherlock sighed.

"Sherlock. I just got home. I've been at the agency all day!"

"Oh. I didn't notice. You've taken up modelling again?"

"Sherlock, we've been over this, you aren't getting any cases any time soon, and this was a reliable source of income-"

"Quit your job," he cut her off.

"Sherlock! We'll starve!"

"Yes, Amelia, we will starve! If you don't get ready for dinner, we'll miss our reservations."

"No. I don't do fancy dinners, Sherlock." She grumbled.

"And I don't do Christmas, Pond!"

She sighed, knowing she had been beat.

"Be ready in ten."

The restaurant Sherlock had chosen was decorated with garland, ribbons, and bows. The roof was covered in snow, and Amelia would say it was the perfect Christmas picture book scene.

"What name are the reservations under?" She asked casually as they reached the front door.


"Rory?" She blinked.

"Is there a problem?"

"I had an imaginary boyfriend named Rory when I was a little girl."

"How fitting," he grinned, "Were all your friends imaginary, Amelia?"

"Yes," she blushed, "You knew didn't you? How'd you know?"

"About Rory, or your friends?"


"Oh Amelia, remarkable Amelia Pond, my mad, impossible, Amelia Pond.. you talk in your sleep."

"Oh." She frowned.

After they found their table and ordered their food, they had a while to talk.

"You said you wanted me to quit modelling. What do you have against it?" Amelia asked.

"Because you're beautiful, Amelia, and the modelling industry will do everything they can to tell you just the opposite." He explained.

"Oh," she said quietly, "You're a much better boyfriend than Rory ever was."

He cracked a smile, which made Amelia laugh under her breath, which led to the both of them laughing aloud.

After dinner, they stood outside the restaurant waiting for a cab.

Sherlock studied Amelia as she watched the passing cars. The wind blew her red hair behind her.

Her hair was two shades brighter than the last time he studied it, her eyelids the slightest bit red and puffy from where she had spent wiping away excessive makeup. She had tried to cover it with even more makeup. Her lips were covered in only a clear gloss, but the stain of a dark red lipstick still remained. He continued to study her face but his eyes kept darting back to her lips.

Clear gloss. Dark stain. Is that a new scarf?

Clear gloss. Dark stain. She's wearing the earrings he bought for her birthday.

Clear gloss. Dark stain.

Clear gloss. Dark stain.

He kept fighting it until he couldn't control himself. He leaned over and in one fatal swoop took her lips between his and kissed her, gently, firmly, kindly, kissed her.

"Sherlock.." She mumbled as he pulled away, his eyes locked on to hers.

Dodging his gaze, her eyes darted to the side where she noticed a bundle of mistletoe hanging beside them.


"Oh, what?" He asked, worried.

"The mistletoe."

He looked over and saw it as well. "Right, the mistletoe," he said quietly, but he hadn't seen it until then.

They stood in silence for a while and didn't speak until they were both in the backseat of a cab.

"Amelia, it had nothing to do with the mistletoe, I didn't even see it there." Sherlock blurted.

Her face fell.

"I'm so sorry, Amelia,"

"Sherlock?" She asked, "Of all times, why then? You've never kissed me like that before, why then? Why there?"

"Because when I look at you I can see how they're already changing you."

"Sherlock, no, I promise, nothing they say-"

"The ever-so-slight brightening of the hair? Your tired eyes? The stain on your-"

Amelia quickly took his face in her hands and kissed him.


She leaned her forehead against his and closed her eyes.

"Don't you ever think for a second that I am letting them change me," she whispered, "And if you ever get the slightest bit worried that they are, you say the word, and I'm out."

"Promise?" He whispered against her lips.



Author's Note:

Man! I like this chapter a lot better than I thought I would originally!

I realize the actual origin of Pondlock is unclear in this story, but in my Pondlock canon, Amelia really was crazy and the Doctor never was actually real. She invented him to cope with her parent's death. Rory and Amy never got together because Mels was never there to set them up, and wether or not he even existed, well, I'll leave that to you. ;)

Yet another prompt from OhMyGodHai! I'm no longer accepting Christmas prompts, but I want to know your opinion:

Would you rather have a full plot story about the origins of Pondlock as previously explained OR would you rather a loose plot prompt orientated story set after this one (being basically the same excepting the Christmas theme)?

Thanks for reading! Only a few chapters left!

-Kitty xxx

(p.s. This chapter is for you, Matt. Raggedy Man, goodnight, and Geronimo.)

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